Career and Major Research
Job and Internship Search
Career Guides
Students' Strong results are compared to the entire sample in this section, rather than only their gender.
What are the personal style scales? (also acceptable: standard scores on the GOTs and BISs).
This is what we recommend as the best way to learn about a career or major.
What is informational interviewing/talking to someone who does it?
This handout is referenced and linked to within the Resume Handout for further guidance.
What is the Skill Verbs handout?
According to our Strategies for Finding Jobs and Internships handout, what % (range) of jobs/internships are filled through the hidden job market?
What is 50-80%?
Our Career Guides are associated with this step in our 9 step Career Exploration Process outlined on our website.
What is Step 3: Explore Your Options?
An ISFJ has this dominant function.
What is introverted sensing?
This website categorizes IU majors in a multitude of ways for students to explore: alphabetically, by interest area, and by school.
What is UD's website-->First Steps-->Step 2 (Explore Majors, Minors, and Certificates)?
According to the Resume Handout, this language skill level means that you can comfortably read and write the language.
What is literate?
This is where students should look first when researching a company/organization during their job search.
What is the company/organization's website?
If a student says "What can I do with a major in...", you might recommend this Career Guide function.
What is the Search by Major function?
2 of the skill categories on the SkillScan Career Driver.
What are (2 of) Physical/Technical, Relationship, Communication, Management/Leadership, Creative, Analytical?
This resource offers a library of informational interviews for students to read.
What is Vocational Biographies?
You will find Career Fairs/Events on the Career Development Process handout in this/these step(s).
What are steps 2, 3, and 4 (Research, Try it Out, Job Search).
If a student is interested in an international internship, we recommend this online resource, and a visit to this IU office.
What are Passport Career and the Office of Overseas Study?
A student you are working with has a fairly empty resume. You might use this tab on a Career Guide of interest to generate ideas to solve that problem.
What is the Get Experience tab?
This free online inventory was developed to help individuals and organizations clarify their values and serve as a blueprint for effective decision-making and optimal functioning.
What is the Life Values Inventory?
This online resource is recommended as a follow up step after taking the Strong Interest Inventory; students can learn about careers from their Strong report at this site and also search for jobs by interest code.
What is O*net?
According to the Graduate School handout, students should consult with these 3 types of campus professionals to critique their personal statements.
Who are 1) CDC/specialized career services office 2) Writing Tutorial Services 3) Faculty/Academic Advisors.
We recommend students spend 60%, 30%, and 10% in each of the these respective job/internship search activities.
What is 60% networking; 30% researching; 10% applying.
A vendor request for the resource "Forensic Psychology Edu" came through the Career Resource Team's Mach Form. It was listed under 3 Career Guides. These are 2 of them.
What are (2 of) Social Science, Law, Government, Politics, and Public Service?
This famous career development tool is made available to Indiana residents for free in the form of Indiana Career Explorer.
What is the Kuder Journey?
This category of resources in our online resource library links to the IU Libraries/EBSCO Host catalog.
What is eBooks?
These 2 links are included in the Interviewing handout for additional interview question examples.
What are 1) the sample interview questions handout 2) the career guides.
We recommend the places that students should look for open positions rather than searching blindly on the web. These are 3 of the 5 that we recommend.
What are (3 of) the organization's website, myjobs/CareerLink/etc., Career Guides, LinkedIn, Resource Library?
A student you are working with loves Spanish and wants to major in it but is concerned there will be no jobs for someone with that major. You use this section to prove otherwise.
What is Learn About the Field--> Jobs Associated with this field? OR What is Find a Job or Internship-->Potential Employers?