A sequence of rulers from the same family that maintains political pwr for many years.
Religion originating in Japan which teaches that all things in nature have spiritual powers or Kami. Many Shinto rituals are still a part of life in Japan today.
Mandate of Heaven
Idea stating that no leader can rule without the permission of heaven.
Qin Dynasty
Responsible for the unification of China under one government, ruled using legalism, constructed roads, canals, and added on to the Great Wall.
Xia Dynasty
According to legend, the first major dynasty in China (for which we still do NOT have evidence.
The Heian Period
- A period in Japanese history (794 - 1185) during which Japanese culture such as art, poetry, literature, performing arts, fashion, and architecture flourished. Heian was the name of the capital city.
Philosophy that states that people should be loving, should respect their family, should lead by example, and should do things to help society.
Terracotta Army
Life sized soldiers made of clay which were designed to accompany emperor Shi Huangdi in the afterlife.
Shang Dynasty
The first great dynasty in China for which we do have historical evidence. They developed the first written language.
Imperial Court
A group of Japanese nobles who lived near, served, and advised the emperor.
Philosophy that states that all things are connected through the Dao (the way). It also states that people should allow things to take their natural course, be themselves, and not interfere too much with things that don't concern themselves.
The Han Dynasty
This dynasty ruled using Confucianism, social classes were not determined by wealth or power, several scientific advancements including the sun dial, seismograph, acupuncture, iron work, and PAPER
Oracle/ Dragon Bones
Bones that were written to make predictions. (beginning of writing in China).
Military leaders who effectively ran Japan because the emperor was more symbolic (figurehead).
Political philosophy that states that people are bad by nature and therefore need to be controlled with strict laws and punishments.
The Silk Road
Long trade route that stretched from from China to the Mediterranean
Zhou Dynasty
Longest running dynasty in Chinese history. Political system is similar to Feudalism. During this dynasty, China developed Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism.
Japan's largest landowner
Warring States Period
Period of conflict between various groups that fought for power and territory. This period developed towards the end of the Zhou Dynasty and would last until the Qin Dynasty.
Religion that was founded in India that spread to China on the Silk Road which focused on overcoming suffering