About EFE
Conversation Model

EFE has won this designation 6 years in a row (2018-2023)

Barron's #1 Independent Financial Advisor Firm


What does CGEI stand for

Confidence, Goal, Energy, Initative


What are the 4 primary stages of the conversation

Engage, Identify, Solve, Close


I don't have time to talk right now

I understand things are busy right now. My role only takes a few minutes to get you the help you are looking for. What kind of help do you need with financial planning?


What resource do you recommend for this scenario?

$75k in previous 401k, $25k in Roth IRA

Planner appointment ($100k+)


Edelman Financial Engines has this many clients as of December 2023

1.3 Million Clients


Name the 4 personality types

Analyzer, Controller, Performer, Empathizer


What does CGST$ stand for?

Circumstances, Goals, Strategy, Timeframe, Assets


Just send me the info through email

Sure, I can send you an email. I want to make sure I'm sending you the right information for your situation. What kind of help were you looking for?


What resource do you recommend for this scenario?

$80k in current 401k, $20k in brokerage, $50k in traditional IRA. Retiring in 2 years

Emerging Investor Appointment ($50k - $99k)

Current 401ks are not investable assets unless they are retiring within 1 year


EFE has been in business for this many years

Over 35 years


What are the energy and logic/rapport lean do each of the personality types have?

Empathizer (low energy, rapport)

Performer (high energy, rapport)

Controller (high energy, logic)

Analyzer (low energy, logic)


What are the 5 behavior based conversation pillars 

Build Rapport, Discovery Needs, Manage Conversation, Deliver Value Prop, Execute Process


I already have a financial planner

That's great. The top financial publications recommend getting a 2nd opinion to ensure there are no gaps within your plan. When was the last time you got a 2nd opinion?


What resource do you recommend for this scenario?

$30k in previous 403b, $50k in emergency fund, $60k in stocks

Emerging Investor ($50k - $99k)

Emergency Savings don't count as investable assets


This is EFE's mission statement

We believe every person deserves to move their financial life forward.


Name what each of the 4 personality types have an emotional need for and what they fear

Performer (Need: Attention / Fear: Insignificance)

Controller (Need: Control / Fear: Helplessness)

Empathizer (Need: Approval / Fear: Rejection)

Analyzer (Need: Information / Fear: Being wrong)


What are the differences between open-ended & close ended-questions? Give a few examples of each

Open: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How

Closed: Are, Did, Is, Do, Will


I just wanted to see the webinar/guide

That's great that you were looking to improve your financial knowledge. What kind of information were you looking for from the webinar/guide?

That information is built for a broad audience, by asking a few questions about your situation, I can get you more personalized help. How does that sound?


What resource do you recommend for this scenario?

$1.5M in real estate, $600k in current 401k, retiring in 10 years, $100k in annuities (maturing in 2 years)

Education Brochure ($0-49k)

Real Estate does not qualify for investable assets

Retirement timeframe is outside 1 year so the current 401k does not apply

Annuities are locked in for 2 years


Name 5 of the 9 Core Values

We Help People, We Commit to Each Other, We Always Do the Right Thing, We Own it, We Say What Needs to Be Said, We get Personal, We Teach We Share, We Find New Ways, We Figure it Out

How do CGEI & the 4 personality types align with our conversation model?

Performer - Engage (Confidence)

Empathizer - Identity (Goal)

Analyzer - Solve (Energy)

Controller - Close (Initiative)


What information do you need to cover in next step

Appointment Date/Time/Duration/Mode (location, virtual, phone)

Confirmation email

Ask about SMS text


I'm not interested in meeting with anyone

I understand, but I do see that you requested information about financial planning. By understanding your situation, I can provide some additional resources. What kind of help were you looking for?


What resource do you recommend for this scenario?

$30k in IRA, $30k in current 457, $50k in pension (with lump sum option), retiring in 8 months

Planner appointment ($100k+)

Retiring within 8 months so 457 is investable assets. 

Pension has lump sum option and retirement within 8 months

IRA is investable assets
