The process in which an agreement is entered into between a CDW and a child charged with the commission of a status or public offense.
What is diversion?
The meeting that takes place when a child violates the conditions of his/her diversion.
What is an Unsuccessful Diversion Conference?
The result of the original complaint against a child that has completed a successful diversion.
What is dismissed?
The diversion conference is scheduled by sending this form.
What is the JW-6, the Notice Regarding a Conference for a Public or Status Offense?
Prevention, education, accountability, and treatment are the four components in diversion and make up this acronym.
What is PEAT?
The person who must pass the eligibility steps and then must be willing to voluntarily participate in diversion.
What is the juvenile?
A time a child can voluntarily terminate a diversion agreement.
What is at any time during the term of a diversion agreement?
A tendency to slip back into a previous behavior pattern, especially a tendency to return to criminal habits and activities.
What is recividism?
This card helps CDWs keep track of what the child has due in diversion and other time frames with the diversion conditions.
What is The tracking card?
Each diversion should have at least this many educational hours.
What is 8 hours?
The CDW and child working together to decide on the terms of the diversion agreement.
What is negotiation?
A CDW does this when amending the original diversion agreement before filing the case for formal Court as an unsuccessful diversion.
What is exhaust all efforts? or What is holding an unsuccessful diversion conference?
A case is sent back to the CDW office for informal processing from formal court.
What is “Refer Back to CDW”?
The AOC has designed this form to assist CDWs in developing and documenting the diversion.
What is the JW-9 Diversion Agreement?
Restitution for damages is an element of this component.
What is accountability?
A CDW in another district may assist a co-worker in the event this happens but will not be responsible in providing all the appropriate documents.
What is processing complaints for out of district juveniles?
A CDW would do these 4 actions when a county attorney dismisses a case that a child is in a active diversion agreement.
What is close out the case; advise the juvenile and affiant of the county attorney’s decision; make case notes on the matter; and not count this diversion in determining eligibility in the event of a another case?
This happens when a diversion is unsuccessful.
What is holding an unsuccesful diversion conference and/or making a formal court referral? Case note...
This internal form can be used by a CDW for monitoring a case. It helps a child to remember what they need to do in diversion.
What is the CDW-13, Diversion Conditions Reminder Notice?
This component reinforces deterrence.
What is prevention?
These 4 groups of people are given the opportunity for input into the determination of the juvenile’s eligibility for diversion.
What is the Court, County Attorney, complainant, and/or victim?
When a child has completed one diversion; is currently in a 2nd diversion and is subsequently charged with another offense and meets the other eligibility criteria to be on diversion again.
What is when a child may be entered into a 3rd diversion agreement?
A CDW take these actions when a diversion ends successfully.
What is close the case in CDW/CMS; place the Successful Diversion Notice (CDW-3) in case file; and mail notice to juvenile?
When a child fails to appear for the diversion conference, this paperwork goes to the Court Clerk for formal Court processing.
What is the JV-1, JW-40, JV 1.1 (when appropriate), and any other supporting documentation?
This component should be used in diversion when the juvenile scores a 3 or higher on the GAIN SS, involved in a substance related offense, beyond control, and/or habitual runaway situation.