What are the two major parts of the Bible?
The Old and New Testament
You shall not surely die.
What is a lie that the serpent told Eve?
The nation that Abraham and Sarah's descendants would form?
What is Israel?
The vocabulary word refers to the benefits and privileges of the firstborn child. Esau sold his to Jacob.
What is the birthright?
When Joseph first saw his brothers in Egypt, he accused them of being something.
What is a spy?
In the Bible reference “John 1:2,” the number “1” is:
What is the chapter?
The serpent that tempted Eve.
What is satan in the garden?
Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice on a mountain.
What is Mt. Moriah?
Jacob's first wife.
Who was Leah?
While in prison, Joseph explained dreams to them.
What is a royal baker and cupbearer?
The book of Genesis was written by this person.
Who is Moses?
God promised that one of Eve’s descendants would hurt the head of this.
What is the serpent?
A word used for God’s chosen people. 100 points per word.
1- Who are the Hebrews?
2- Who are the Jews?
3- Who are the Israelites?
Esau gave up his privileges for Jacob’s.
What is stew/porridge?
The word this lesson used to describe “a group of people united together; usually related through a shared ancestor”.
What is a tribe?
What are four books of the law? (100 points per book)
“Sin” is the decision to break God’s law and turn away from Him.
What is true?
Right after Abraham reached for the knife to kill Isaac.
What is an angel stopping him?
After wrestling with Jacob, God gave him this name.
Who is Israel?
Why Joseph told his brothers that God had sent him to Egypt to.
What is protect their family?
Name 5 different headings of sections within the books of the Bible library.
The law, history, wisdom/poetry, major/minor prophets, the gospels, church history, Paul's letters, general letters, and prophecy.
God was not surprised by the fall of humanity, and He had a way to help. What was his plan and who fulfilled it?
A descendant of Abraham coming to defeat death and make a way for us to have a restored relationship with God in heaven. Jesus did this.
God changed his name from Abram to Abraham. (When)
When Abraham agreed to leave his home and go to a place God would show him?
Jacob agreed to work 7 years for Laban. (Why)
What is to marry Rachel?
Jacob’s sons later became the ___ tribes of Israel. Points based upon getting the answer plus naming 4 tribes.
- Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Manasseh, and Ephraim.