What is the noun in the following sentence: We played at the park for hours.
How many verbs in this sentence: We dashed through the trees, almost tripping over the bear trap.
Two; dashed, tripping
Adverbs usually end with "ly" but not always. True or false?
Name the adjective: The apples are red and yellow and green.
red, yellow, green
A pronoun replaces a noun. True or false?
How many nouns are in the sentence: The wind howled as the rain pummeled the roof.
Three! wind, rain, and roof
Name the verbs: The children jumped on the trampoline as the clown juggled bowling pins.
jumped, juggled
An adverb describes a verb. True or false?
What is the adjective: The horse's mane was so silky, it shined.
Trisha found a wallet on the playground. She turned it into the office. What is the pronoun and what is it replacing?
She, Trisha (a girl's name)
trees, snow, rocks, grass, bushes, dirt...
Name the verbs: The football player practiced his routes all week but still couldn't catch the ball during the game.
practiced, catch
Name the adverb, "They finished their project proudly and turned it in."
What is the adjective and what is it describing: The bright rainbow lit up the sky.
bright rainbow
Dominic and Ethan signed up for the play. They both landed parts in the play as trees. What is the pronoun and what is it replacing?
They, Dominic and Ethan (the boys' names)
Name all the nouns in this sentence: The sun was so hot, sweat dripped down my back, and my sneakers stuck to the pavement.
sun, sweat, sneakers, pavement
Fill in the blank with a verb that makes sense: When we went camping, I got ____________ by so many bugs.
bit, stung, eaten alive
In this sentence, "She happily shared her cookies with her friends." Happily is the adverb. What is happily describing?
how she shared
Name two adjectives in this sentence, "The fluffy kitten curled up on the cozy blanket."
fluffy, cozy
Ms. Hampton loves to journal. Ms. Sanchez loves to watch baseball. They both love to work with kids. What is the pronoun and what is it replacing?
They, Ms. Hampton and Ms. Sanchez
Name the nouns: His ideas earned him an award, but he struggled to be successful in life.
ideas, award, life
Fill in the blank with a verb that makes sense: The dragon ___________ the tower with his sharp talons.
gripped, struck, attacked, held on to, clawed
In this sentence, "He spoke softly so he wouldn’t wake up his baby sister," softly is an adverb. What is softly describing?
How they spoke
Name all four adjectives in this sentence, "The delicious chocolate cake had a smooth and creamy frosting."
delicious, chocolate, smooth, creamy
My dog, Storm and I went for a walk around the park. _______ chased a squirrel and I fell in a puddle. ____ were late getting home. Fill in the blanks with pronouns that agree.
He, She