The name of the insignificant flower in President Uchdorf's talk we studied on week #1 of this month.
You are Rich!!! Inside all of us is around 0.2 milligrams of this, most of which is in our blood.
What is Gold?
The shortest verse in the scriptures has only two words which are ________?
What are "Jesus wept."
What must you complete in order to earn the Young Women's medallion?
What is Personal Progress?
These brothers are the only two to every play in a Superbowl. They have each won 2 super bowl rings as Quarterback and both were MVP of a Superbowl.
Who are Payton and Eli Manning?
You shall "run and not be weary, walk and not faint", is the promise for obeying this commandment.
What is the word of wisdom?
the human body is made up of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of these.
What are atoms?
Abraham's grandson, and Issac's son Jacob was later renamed this by God.
What is Israel?
This thing is on the young women's medalion.
What is the temple?
This former 49ers AND BYU quarterback is a mormon, earned a Law Degree, was league MVP in 1992 and 1994 and superbowl 39, and is the great, great, great grandson of Brigham Young (2nd President of the latter day church)
Who is Steve Young?
In President Monson's talk from last week, on the topic of environment he said, "if you find yourself in a place you shouldn't be...." this is what you should do.
What is get out?
The first apostle to use a meme in a general conference talk.
Who is Jeffery R. Holland?
This visual phenomenon is a symbol of gods promise to never flood the earth again.
What is a rainbow?
The current sitting General Young Women's president.
Who is Bonnie L. Oscarson?
This all-time quarterback was selected in the sixth round of the draft, has 4 Superbowl rings, is famous for "deflategate" and is married to Gisele Bundchen.