Pop Culture
Historical Battles and Wars
Famous Figures/Places

Which Latin Pop Singer made the song with the lyrics "Bidi Bidi Bom Bom"

Who is Selena

Name the armed revolt that was led by Fidel Castro against the cuban dictator, Fulgencio Batista
What is Cuban Revolution
A famous dish from Honduras and El Salvador that consists of rice flour or cornmeal (masa harina) filled with pork, cheese, vegetables, etc.

What is Pupusas

Who is the current President of Brazil?
Who is Dilma Rouseff
This controversial figure is considered by many Cubans as a monster that destroyed Cuba, while others consider him a visionary who saved their nation from the horrors of capitalism.
Who is Fidel Castro

Which singer passed away in a plane crash?

Who is Jenny Rivera

Name the medical student that MOTORCYCLE DIARIES IS BASED ON THAT WOULD LATER BECOME A major figure of the Cuban Revolution
Who is Ernesto 'Che' Guevara

This plate is made by marianding Shrimp in Lemon and tomato sauce found in countries in both central and South America.

What is Ceviche


This American labor leader and civil rights activist co founded alongside Cesar Chavez, the National Farmworkers Association, which later merged with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee to become the United Farm Workers.

Who is Dolores Huerta

This City is known for the giant Jesus statue known as Christ the Redeemer (O Cristo Redentor)
What is Rio de Janeiro

This Actor played Machete in two of the "Machete" Movies.

Who is Danny Trejo


When the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés led an expedition (entrada) to Mexico and captured the emperor Cuauhtémoc and Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire.

What is the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire


A sandwich cookie, or a wagon wheel with a different filling, depending on what type it is. They are very popular in South America, especially Argentina, Perú and Uruguay.

What is Alfajores

Which nation was the first to abolish slavery in the Americas when it declared its independence?
What is Haiti
This influential Latin American led the way to freedom for millions of South Americans. He is responsible for the liberation of the present-day nations of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
Who is Simon Bolivar
[Double Jeopardy] Name the latina who stars in the comedy show, "Modern Family" and Spell it!
Who is Sofia Vegara.
Name the man that was an Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern part of South America's successful struggle for independence from Spain and also the 1st president of Peru.
Who is Jose de San Marti

a traditional soup or stew from Mexican cuisine. It is made from hominy with meat, and garnished with shredded cabbage, chile peppers, onion, garlic, radishes, and limes

What is Posole

This Bolivian president became the first indigenous leader of his nation. He is known as a leader of the socialist movement in Latin America.
Who is Evo Morales

Which revolutionary's Vision of a united Latin America was based off of culture, language, and struggle? 

Who is Jose Marti


Who won the best Latin Pop Album in the Latin Grammys 2021? 

Who is Bad Bunny

Name the Venezuelan military and political leader who together with José de San Martín, played a key role in Hispanic-Spanish America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire, was the 2nd president of Venezuela, and is today considered one of the most influential politicians in Latin American history.
Who is Simon Bolivar
Yummy beef tripe soup who's origins lead back to african slaves in the Dominican Republic.
What is Mondongo

This Brazilian Politician is the first transgender person to be elected in Brazil, currently fighting for LGBTQ+ & Afro-Latinx rights. 

Who is Erica Malunguinho

A native of a rural province in Guatemala, this woman was involved in the bitter struggle for indigenous rights. After releasing her autobiography in 1982, she turned the resulting international attention into a platform for activism, and was awarded the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize.
Who is Rigoberta Menchú