You enter in data for events here.
What is operations?
You find the study menu on
What is Veeva?
Blood pressure is typically measured on this arm.
What is the right arm?
After everything is collected you hit this key
You have to include day and ____ _____ on your flow sheet.
What is time point?
The key you use to exit a screen.
What is F4?
Meals that are required to be fully consumed.
What is a content critical meal?
SPO2 will be measured on the ______ arm of blood pressure.
What is opposite?
Celerion standard for inversions.
What is 8-10x?
Regardless of event, you always have to look at these 2 sections on the spec sheet.
What is food/fluid/activity/ tobacco and additional conduct requirements?
Where you go to enter in computer down data.
What is manual barcode data entry?
Minutes you have to wait before you scan out a participant.
What is 2?
You have to call safety nurse after ___ rechecks.
What is 2?
On your computer down form, you have to include time of collection, phleb and _______
What is conditions?
Timing of the event is based on
What is the most recent dosing report?
You can find a study's full schedule under
You have to record content not consumed in increments of
What is 10?
Minimum respiration rate before calling safety nurse.
What is 12?
You can find special tube requirements on this section of the spec.
You have to print this sheet in addition to source data for dosing events
What is a medication sheet?
You can complete an event like lie down or water restriction under
Dynamic eSource barcoding
Starting the meal time early would impact this event
Time you have wait before doing another recheck
What is one minute
Celerion timing standard for phlebs
What is 1 minute, 30 seconds, 10 seconds?
You can create your flow sheet as early as
The morning of the scheduled event.