The TWO main phases of the cell cycle
What are interphase and cell division
These are the basic building blocks (monomers) of DNA & RNA
What are nucleotides
In this stage of protein synthesis, amino acids are assembled in a ribosome while reading the mRNA strand
What is translation
Place these terms in the correct hierarchical order--small to large: organ, cell, tissue
What is cell, tissue, organ
This stage of cell division primarily serves to divide the DNA.
What is mitosis
This phase of the cell cycle involves the replication of DNA
What is the S phase (synthesis phase)
A nucleotide is made up of three parts
sugar, phosphate and a base (nitrogenous base)
This term refers to a sequence of three bases that code for a specific amino acid
What is a codon
This process is how cells develop into their mature forms, based on which genes are expressed in the cell
What is cell differentiation
This enzyme synthesizes mRNA using a DNA template strand
What is RNA polymerase
This phase of the cell cycle involves growth and duplication of organelles
What is the G1 phase (gap 1)
Enzyme responsible for making the new copy strand of DNA using a template strand
Type of RNA is used to bring the amino acid to the ribosome
What is tRNA
If we were to compare a cardiac muscle cell and a cell from your intestines, what difference would we notice aside from the structure of the cell?
What are different proteins
This phase of cell division involves pulling apart duplicate chromosomes to opposite sides of the cell
What is anaphase
This phase of the cell cycle involves the division of the cytoplasm
What is cytokineses
Enzyme responsible for unzipping the parent strand of DNA in preparation for DNA replication.
What is helicase
Transcription occurs in this part of the cell.
What is the nucleus
This term refers to genes being activated (on) or deactivated (off) in a cell, which dictate what proteins are manufactured in that cell
What is gene expression
In this smaller phase of cell division, we start to see spindle fibers form, chromosomes condense, and nuclei break down
What is prophase
The SECOND cell cycle checkpoint occurs in this phase
What is the G2 phase (gap 2)
This is a term to describe DNA replication, where you keep one original strand of DNA in order to make the new one.
What is semi-conservative replication
These mutations result in a frameshift in reading the codons
What are insertion and deletion mutations
What must occur as a result of a mutation in order for the protein to be affected
What is a change in the amino acids
This mutation results in no effect on the protein being synthesized
What is a silent mutation