The prefix 'meta-' refers to this in biology
What is 'middle, central, to bring together?'
These cells go into G0 temporarily
What are 1) reproductive cells (sperm and egg) and 2) hair follicle cells?
The suffix '-kinesis' means this
What is 'movement?'
Germ cells are described as this (how many sets of chromosomes?)
What is haploid?
Somatic cells are described as this (in terms of sets of chromosomes)
What is diploid?
The prefix 'pro-' means this
What is 'first?'
This is the end result of mitosis
What are two, genetically identical, diploid cells?
Meiosis I does this
What is 'separates homologous chromosomes?'
These are the two sides of replicated chromosome
What are 'sister chromatids?'
The prefix 'telo-' means this
What is 'last or final?'
This is the term for mature sperm or egg cells
What are gametes?
This occurs during anaphase II?
What is 'sister chromatids are pulled to opposite ends of the cells?'
This type of cell division helps keep individual organisms alive
What is mitosis?
This is genetic material in its least condensed form
What is chromatin?
Meiosis II does this
What is 'separates individual chromosomes into sister chromatids?'
This happens during anaphase I
What is spindle fibers pull homologous chromosomes to opposite ends of the cell?
Meiosis I ends with _______, genetically-__________ cells
What is '2 genetically-different cells?'
This is why is it so important that mitosis CONSERVES genetic information
What is 'so cells continue to reproduce identical copies and continue doing the same jobs?'
This is why homologous chromosomes are similar but NOT identical
What is 'because they carry the same genes in the same order but NOT the exact same copies of the same genes?'
This is the difference between crossing over and chiasma
What is 'crossing over is the process by which homologous chromosomes exchange pieces of genetic information; chiasma is the actual location along the chromosome where crossing over occurs?'
Explain the difference between prophase and prophase I?
What is 'during prophase there is no crossing over and replicated chromosomes are being pulled apart; in prophase I crossing over occurs and homologous pairs are being pulled apart?'
Explain what occurs during Metaphase I?
What is 'homologous chromosomes line up at the middle of the cell and a spindle checkpoint occurs?'
These three things occur during prophase
What is 1) nuclear envelope breaks down, 2) replicated chromosomes condense, 3) spindle apparatus forms?
These three major things occur during telophase
What is 1) chromosomes decondense into chromatin, 2) nuclear envelopes form, 3) spindle apparatus breaks down?
These are examples of organisms that go through 1) binary fission, 2) budding, and 3) fragmentation
What are '1) bacteria/all prokaryotes, 2) some jellyfish, corals, many plants, flatworms, and 3) sea sponges, starfish, molds, and lichens?'