I discovered and coined the "cell" by looking at cork under the newly invented microsope
Robert Hooke
I am the area of the cell which contains fluid.
I am the organelle in which proteins are packaged, modified, and transported.
Golgi Apparatus
I am a cell which contains my DNA inside a membrane sealed nucleus.
I was an aristocrat who discovered that new cells come from the division of preexisting cells
Henri Dutrochet
I am the garbage container of a cell which contains acid and destroys defunct biomolecules
I am the folded membrane about which ribosomes can attach after they leave the nucleus
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
I am a type of cell which does not contain my DNA in a nucleus, but rather wrapped/tangled about
I discovered, by means of extensive studies of red blood cells and chick embryo's, that cells do not come to exist by spontaneous generation, but rather from other cells
Robert Remak
I am the storage container of a cell
I am the protein factory of the cell.
I am the jelly-like fluid which is contained in cells.
I used a spherical microscope in order to study the little "animalcules" in pond-water, blood, and sperm earning me the title the father of microbiology.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
I am the densely packed region of DNA within a nucleus
I am the energy factories of the cell
I am the name of the semipermeable barrier which divides cells and organelles
I took Remak's understanding and popularized it by the phrase, "omnis cellula e cellula."
Rudolph Virchow
The name of the molecule that Mitochondria convert glucose into
I am the holes in the nucleus which allow ribosomes to travel through.
Nuclear Pores
I am the name of the wrapped DNA which is wrapped around histones.