Where is the organelle made up of fluid and organelles except for nucleus?
What is the cytoplasm
What is the organelle that is a double layer protective, storage membrane with nuclear pores on it?
What is nucleus
If you stretched out all the DNA inside a human cell’s nucleus, it would be about this long.
6 feet
Proteins produced by the rough endoplasmic reticulum are packaged and shipped to other parts of the cell by this organelle?
What is the Golgi Apparatus
What are the saclike structures that store water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates located in the cell?
What is in the vacuoles?
Which organelle does a person receive only from their biological mother?
What is mitochondria?
What is the organelle that digests and breakdown wastes, worn out cell parts, and foreign invaders.
What is around the lysosome?
What is made of two layers of phospholipids and transport proteins
What is cell membrane
What is the main difference between plant and animal cells?
What is the plant cell has a cell wall
Found only in plant cells, this organelle contains their own DNA, different from the plants DNA
What is the chloroplasts?
What is the organelle in which some proteins are modified and transported like hallways?
What is the Endoplasmic Reticulum
What are the two organelles that are located on the outside of a cell and provides movement for the cell?
What is flagella and cilia?
What is the small organelle that is filled with digestive enzymes?
What is lysosomes?
Contains a nucleus
What is both plant and animal
What is the organelle is so powerful that if they burst, they could destroy the whole cell
What is the lysosome
Where are the organelles that make proteins?
What are ribrosomes?
What is a stack of pancake-shaped layered organelle
What is the golgi apparatus
What is the power house or energy generator of the cell?
What is mitochondria