cells were not discovered until what was invented
what is a microscope
This organelle is found in all cells and controls the movement of substances to go in and out of the cell
what is the membrane
found in plant and bacteria cells but not animal cells and provides protection for the cell
what is the cell wall
cell organelles have Ribosomes?
what organelles makes protein
What Is ribosomes.
The mitochondria is usually phrased as what
what is the power house of the cell
This organelle folds protein for the cell
what is the rough ER
plant cells have a larger central one of these but animal cells have small more numerous ones
what is the vacuole
cells have rough ER.
What organelles make ribosomes
What is a Nucleus
regulates substances from moving out
what is a membrane
This water filled organelle is essential for maintaining the plant cell
what is the central vacuole
this is found is both animal cells and plant cells and contains DNA
what is the nucleus
all cells have large vacuoles.
What organelles protect the outside layer of the cell.
What is a cell membrane.
cells that contain a nucleus
what is a eukaryotic cell
this small organelle is often referred to as the factory worker making proteins
what are ribosomes
This is found in both cells but plant cells use this to store energy created through photosynthesis
what are mitochondria
All cells have nucleus?
What organelles breaks down food,waist and old cell parts.
What is a lysosome
This structure contains the cells DNA
what is the nucleus
the power plant of the cell converting energy into a usable form
what are the mitochondria
Animal cells use these to break down water but plant cells don't use these as much
what are lysosomes
mitochondria the power house of the cell?
What organelles sort proteins and package them into vesicles.
What is a Golgi asparagus