What is the food source for plants
What is glucose
In the diagram on the board, What is the direction of movement of water?
What is inside the cell and the cell will swell.
Jelly-like fluid that organelles are suspended in
What is cytoplasm?
This organelle provides the cell with the ATP/Energy it needs to perform its functions and activities.
What is the mitochondria?
This process occurs when particles of a substance move from where there are many particles to where there are few particles. (ie- smell of perfume spreading throughout the room)
What is diffusion?
What is the waste product of plants
What is oxygen
If there is a large amount of substance in a defined space, we say it has a high_____________________.
What is concentration
The "control center" of the cell. It contains DNA.
What is the nucleus?
This organelle is only found in plant cells and is the site for photosynthesis
What is chloraplast?
Molecules are in constant, random motion due to ____________ energy
What is kinetic
This process releases energy from food
What is respiration
The substance that is being dissolved
what is solute
The organelle that packages and get materials in the cell ready to "go"
What is the Golgi apparatus
This organelle digests worn out cell parts and acts as the "waste" disposal
What is a lysosome?
Diffusion is the movement of molecules from areas of ___________ concentration to _________ concentration
What is high to low
What are the reactants of photosynthesis?
What is sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water
What is the substance that does the dissolving
What is solvent
This organelle is a series of interconnected passageways that act as "roads" in the cell.
What is the endoplasmic reticulum?
This is an organelle found in plant cells that is responsible for storing water
what is a vacuole
When the molecules on both the inside and outside are balanced or equally distributed, the system is at ______________________
What is the equilibrium
What are the products of respiration?
What is carbon dioxide, water, and ATP
A special type of diffusion that explains why drinking seawater (salty water) when stranded out on an ocean boat will leave you thirstier (dehydrated).
What is osmosis
This organelle makes proteins. They can be located on the outside of the rough ER
What are ribosomes?
The three differences between plant and animal cells are:
1. cell walls. 2. chloroplasts 3. vacuoles
What state of matter (solid, liquid, or gas) has the greatest rate (speed) of diffusion? (the smell of bacon spreading throughout your home)
What is a GAS