Part of the cell that controls most of the cell's activities...
What is the nucleus?
Gel like substance inside a cell...
What is the cytoplasm?
All living things are made up of...
What are cells?
How is the process cellular respiration related to a cell's mitochondria?
What is cellular respiration HAPPENS IN the mitorchondria?
A group of cells that work together to do a certain job...think muscle...
What are tissues?
The part of the cell that releases energy...
What is the mitochondria?
Helps control what exits and enters a plant cell or an animal cell.
What is the cell membrane?
Cell respiration takes place in the...
What is mitochondria?
The process though which green plants trap energy from sunlight and turn it into food...
What is photosynthesis?
A structure made up of two or more different types of tissue that work together...
What is an organ?
The storage area for water, food and minerals...
What are vacuoles?
Green organelle in a cell that traps the energy from sunlight and turns it into food.
What is a chloroplast?
Organelle that is only found in plants...
What are chloroplasts?
What should you remember to think about to get an accurate view of ideas when you hear about things in the news...think about the scientific method steps of data collection and sharing...
Is there details information or just a summary and is the news for just scientists or every body? Accept reasonable answers...
A group of organs that work together to do a certain job...
What is an organ system?
The flexible layer that forms the boundary between a cell and its environment.
What is the cell membrane?
Structure inside of a cell nuclei that contains DNA and determines what kinds of traits an organism will have.
What is a chromosome?
Why would it help to a make a model of a cell?
What is it would help give a visual of how a cell works and how it can look different form other cells?
A technique that grows patches of skin tissue to replace burnt or damaged may look in your book for this one...
What is tissue engineering?
The highest level of organization discussed in the textbook...
What is an organ system?
The special name for all of the parts of the cells.
What are organelles?
Living things that are made up of more than one cell are called...
What are many-celled organisms.
Explain how a cell can be thought of as a business...
What is the nucleus would be the manager, the work area is the cytoplasm, the building is the cell membrane, the mitochondria is the power source, and the storage area are the vacuoles?
Explain how the chloroplasts and mitochondria work together to provide energy in a plant may use your book for this...
What is the chloroplasts trap energy from the sunlight, turn it into food and the mitochondria releases the food's energy?
List the following in order from lowest to highest level of organization: organ system, cell, organ, tissue.