Health and

All levels of Management understand their responsibilities and are held accountable for health and safety performance. Management visibly demonstrate leadership and commitment to ensure that health and safety is given the highest priority.

What is Leadership and Accountability


Accurate information will be kept on CEMEX operations and products. Information will be held securely and be readily available

What is Document Control


Known for being the oldest continuously operating disterally in the USA.

What is Buffalo Trace


Operations will implement and maintain systems to systematically monitor and review degrees of compliance with legal and company requirements and to continually eliminate hazards or reduce risk to the lowest levels practical.

What is Audits, Inspections, and CI


Management of risk is a continuous process and the cornerstone of the CEMEX H&S Management System. We will constantly identify hazard and assess the risks associated with our activities. We will take appropriate action to manage the risk and prevent or reduce the impact of potential incidents. 

What is Risk Management


Control measures are in place to protect employees, contractors, and other parties from occupational health hazards to which they may be exposed and to foster practices to support their wellbeing.

What is Occupational Health and Wellbeing


People’s behavior is critical to the success of CEMEX, therefore our workforce will be carefully selected and trained and their skills and competencies regularly assessed.

What are People, Training, and Behaviors 


Business units will assess the capabilities and competencies of contractors who perform work on behalf of CEMEX and work together with them to ensure CEMEX health and safety standards are met. We will monitor contractors’ performance and ensure our procurement processes contain the rigour to deliver our expectations. 

What is Contractor Safety Management


Written instructions on how to perform tasks safely will be established, documented and implemented in all CEMEX operations. Instructions will be developed with the participation of those performing the work and will be maintained and reviewed for effectiveness.

What are Standard Operating Procedures


Business Units will establish operational procedures for controlling identified occupational health and safety hazards related to the organization’s activities whether they are performed by employees, contractors or third parties.

What is Operation Control


Today's date



New George

Who is Jason Thompson


Produced in the U.S., composed of at least 51% corn and aged in new charred Oak containers.

What is bourbon


Incidents will be reported, investigated and analyzed to prevent recurrence and improve performance. Investigations will focus on the identification of root and system causes. Corrective actions and preventative measures will be implemented to reduce future injuries and incidents.

What Is Incident Reporting, Investigation, and Prevention


Business Units will comply with applicable legal requirements, company policies and procedures and other Occupational Health and Safety requirements at all times.

What are Regulations and Policies


A well prepared and implemented management process provides a timely response to a Pandemic or Epidemic situation to prevent and mitigate harm to individuals and loss of business activities.

What is Management of Pandemics and Epidemics


All businesses will adopt a formal approach to reducing the driving risk to which CEMEX employees and CEMEX contractors are exposed and the potential for harm to members of the public.

What is Driving Safety


Emergency management plans will be maintained to cover all CEMEX facilities, locations and products. These plans will identify equipment, training and personnel necessary to protect employees, contractors, visitors and the public in the event of an incident.

What is Emergency Management


Open and proactive communications are established and maintained with employees, contractors, visitors, regulatory agencies, public organizations and communities regarding the H&S aspects of our business.

What is Communication and Consultation



Who is the sand area manager
