Number of registrations we received on the first day the brochure was open
(hint- last year was 997)
What is 1086
This is a district facililty that Community Education does not manage
What is the Ice Arena
The one requirement for Kindergarten entry that checks for developmental milestones, hearing/vision and immunizations.
What is Early Childhood Screening (we have screened 325 this year and are on track to screen 99% of incoming Kindergarteners)
What nationally recognized organization’s curriculum is used for our swim lessons?
What is American Red Cross; “Learn to Swim” program
What community events doubled their number of offerings this summer from last year and previous years?
Music on the Lake it’s Golden
Average class size of after school chess classes this school year
What is 13 students
How do students get home when their after school activity it done?
What are activity busses?
5, leaving at 4:45pm
Bonus points- who supervises this process?
Another bonus- who creates the bus lists?
Number of Kids Club sites on a waitlist for the school year
What is zero!
Due to new legislation we are now eligible for this levy totalling $12,009
What is Adults with Disabilities
This building is the most heavily used for prgramming and renters
What is the Middle School
White Bear Lake and Forest Lake have it, and we'll have it in 25-26
What is Nature Preschool
Breakdown of preschool:
9 full day rooms, 2 rooms/4 secions of part day, 18 ECFE classes
The name of our mailed newsletter for “seasoned” Centennial residents.
Connection Collection
Centennial Food Shelf, Blaine Festival, City of Blaine, Lexington Fire Relief, Spring Lake Park, and more…
What are some of the funding sources for for Summer Fun
Number of summer offerings for youth not including aquatics and gymnastics
(this number does not include session options within an offering)
These are our most popular after school activites
What is Cougar Strength and plays and musicals
Pajama drive, Food drive, animal humane society drive, assisted living artwork
What are ways Kids Club kids and families give back to the community?
3 different funds make up our CE budget
What is Community Education, School Readiness, and Early Childhood
When custodians are not in buildings, who is reponsbile for safety and alarm systems
Who are Site Supervisors
The state required tool EC programs use to evaluate the effectiveness of district programs
What is the Community Needs Assessment
The amount, last year, our top customer spent on Community Education offerings. (does not include Kids Club)
Centennial was one of 15 districts that made up this program for gifted and talented students in previous years
What is Summer Academy
This “hot” activity for adults, held in the woodshop room at CHS, filled both sessions.
What is welding
Where can middle school students discuss both sides of a contraversial topic impacting us all in some way?
What is Middle School debate?
Kids Club employees make this much more for working the AM shift, and this amount for working a split shift
What is .25 and $1.00 per hour more?
It was $5.42 and starting next year will increase to $6.35
What is our general Community Education allocatation fron the state
Mowing, chalking, painting, port a potties
What are things facilities coordinates for field users?
Percentage of 23-24 out-of-district preschoolers who are registered for kindergarten with Centennial for 24-25
What is 50%?
Centennial ABE offers how many levels of proficiency classes
What is 5 levels from beginning literacy to advanced level?
From May 2023 to March 2024, students in our ABE programs logged this many hours
What is 6022 hours!!!
we currently have the most students enrolled ever- 68
This activity, for those ages 12 and up, encourages the use of “happy little trees.”
What is Easy Oil Painting Using the Bob Ross Method
When are activites offered for Middle School Students?
What is after-school, evenings, weekends, and year around?
Creative Arts, Academic Enrichment, Mingling with our World, Physical Fitness
What does Kids Club C.A.M.P. stand for?
This group of staff received a very large wage increase this year
What is both Kids Club and Preschool teachers
Kids Club workers increased from $14.09 to $16.50
How all conferences, concerts, K round ups, special events, high school practices and games, booster meetings etc, are booked
The number of funding sources for public preschool and ECFE in Minnesota
What is 7 (Tuition, School Readiness Preschool, School Readiness Preschool Plus, Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten, Pathway I scholarships, Pathway II scholarships, ECFE funding)
Through what means does Community Education support scholarship requests?
Curent amount: $7280
last years total: $13,160
How many different countries of immigrants are we serving in ABE classes
What is 12?
This event was created as a fun and safe way for our community to interact after Covid
What is Food Truck and Family Fest?
This youth sports league has grown so much that we can no longer fit in the Middle School gyms
What is youth volleyball?
Middle School has 6 teams with Davinici Academy having 4 more
Staff just passed this inspection with zero violoations
What is the yearly Department of Human Services audit.
Nice job!!!!