Central Idea
Supporting Details
Vocabulary in Context
Text Structure
Main Idea vs. Topic

What is the central idea of a text?

The central idea is the main point or the most important message that the author wants to convey about the topic.


What is a supporting detail?

A supporting detail provides evidence or examples that help explain, prove, or elaborate on the central idea.


Define the word “adapt” as used in the sentence: “Animals must adapt to their environment to survive.”

To adjust or change to fit new conditions.


What is “chronological order” in text structure?

Organizing information in the sequence it happened, from first to last.


What is the difference between a topic and a main idea?

The topic is the subject of the text, while the main idea is the specific point or message the author is making about that topic.


How can you identify the central idea in a paragraph?

Look for repeated concepts, summary sentences, or statements that capture the overall point of the paragraph.


Why are supporting details important?

They provide evidence and clarity to back up the central idea, making the argument or explanation more convincing.


In the sentence “The author used vivid imagery to describe the setting,” what does “vivid” mean?

Clear, detailed, and bright, helping to create a strong mental image.


What does “compare and contrast” text structure do?

It highlights the similarities and differences between two or more subjects.


Given the topic “climate change,” what might be a main idea for a text on this topic?

A main idea could be “Climate change has significant effects on global weather patterns and ecosystems.”


Read this sentence: “All living things need water to survive, which is why every ecosystem includes a water source.” What is the central idea?

The central idea is that every ecosystem includes a water source because all living things need water to survive.


“Many animals in the rainforest have adapted to live in the trees to stay safe from predators.” What central idea might this detail support?

This detail supports the central idea that animals in the rainforest have adaptations to survive and stay safe.


What does “significant” mean in this context: “The study showed significant results in the treatment’s effectiveness”?

Important or notable, with a considerable impact.


How does “cause and effect” structure help in understanding a text?

It shows how one event or action leads to another, explaining the relationships between events.


Identify whether the following is a topic or main idea: “The rise in global temperatures is causing more frequent and severe weather events.”

Main Idea.


Why is the central idea important in understanding a text?

The central idea helps readers understand the main message and purpose of the text, guiding their comprehension and interpretation.


How can you determine which details are supporting details in a text?

Identify details that provide explanations, examples, or evidence directly related to the central idea.


 What does “perspective” mean in the context of analyzing an author’s point of view?

The author’s unique viewpoint or attitude toward the subject matter


What is “problem and solution” text structure?

It presents a problem and then discusses possible solutions or ways to address it.


How can you find the main idea if it is not directly stated in the text?

Look for key details, repeated themes, and summaries to infer the main idea.


Analyze this passage and identify the central idea: “Many students struggle with math because they lack confidence. Confidence can be built through practice and encouragement. Teachers and parents can help by providing support and positive reinforcement.”

The central idea is that building confidence through practice and support can help students overcome struggles with math.


“Regular exercise benefits mental health,” list three supporting details that might be included in a text about this topic.

Possible supporting details include: 1) Exercise can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. 2) Physical activity increases levels of endorphins, which improve mood. 3) Exercise can lead to better sleep, which positively affects mental well-being.


"It was definitely, unequivocally, positively, absolutely no aircraft, plane, helicopter, or rocket, at least not to my knowledge" ("The Kecksburg Object: Cover-Up of a UFO Landing" 78).

What does the word unequivocally mean in this context?

In a way that is total, or expressed very clearly with no doubt.


Analyze the text structure: “First, the scientist observed the phenomenon. Next, they conducted experiments. Finally, they reported their findings.” What structure is this?

Chronological order.


Read this paragraph and identify the topic and main idea: “Many different species of birds migrate long distances to find food and suitable breeding grounds. Migration helps them survive and reproduce in environments that would otherwise be too harsh.”

Topic: Bird migration. 

Main idea: Migration helps birds survive and reproduce in challenging environments.
