Central Idea/Main Idea
Summarizing/Central Idea
Supporting Details
Main Idea/Supporting Details

Many people buy lottery tickets, but not many win. Even fewer give away their prize. Paul Sherman, a fast food assistant manager, won $10,000 in the state lottery and decided to give the money to a youth club. The club's director could not believe Paul's generosity. Paul didn't think it was any big deal. "The kids need it more than I do," he said. Summarize the passage.

What is... One man's generosity 


The point that the author wants you to remember is called? 

What is: What is central idea. 


What is summarizing/giving a summary?

What is:  giving a brief restatement in YOUR own words


These are directly related to the author's central idea and represent the most important information.

What are supporting details?


Dolphins are mammals that live in the ocean. Mammals are different than fish, reptiles or birds. As a mammal, dolphins breathe oxygen, even though they live in water. Because they are mammals, a dolphin mother gives birth to a live baby, unlike reptiles and birds who lay eggs. A dolphin mother also feeds her baby milk like other mammals. Name one detail that supports the main idea. 

What is.... Because they are mammals, a dolphin mother gives birth to a live baby, unlike reptiles and birds who lay eggs.


Most central ideas that are directly stated are found in the ___________ or _____________ sentences of the text. 

What is first or last


Central idea is also known as...?

What is:    The main idea 


True or false, you should include your opinions, beliefs, or judgement in a summary. 

What is... False, summaries are objective.


Which supporting detail does NOT belong? -Bears eat fish -Bears eat berries -Bears are scary animals -Bears eat insects

What is: Bears are scary animals


The central idea should be supported by...? 

What is: Supporting Details 


The information, quotes and facts that comes directly from an article or reading.

What is textual evidence?


Central ideas that can be found in the text are _____________ stated. Meaning you can highlight or underline it. 

What is: What is directly stated 


Summaries should include the central idea, plus two to three _______________ details.

What is... supporting


What is the best example of a supporting detail from the list below? A. Any quotation B. A general statement about the topic C. A quotation that is tied to the topic D. An anecdote from your own life

What is: C. A quotation that is tied to the topic


If you are feeling sad, you can make yourself feel better by doing a few simple things. You can take a walk (or get another form of exercise), you can talk to a friend, or you can write down your feelings. Writing down the good things in your life will help too. Doing something good for someone else will also help you feel better. If you still feel a little sad, act happy. It works like magic to make you feel better!

What is the main idea?

There are many ways to make yourself feel better.


This is how you determine the central idea of an article.

What is read the text carefully and determine the most important information the author wants you to know about the topic?


Most central ideas are not directly stated, meaning they are ______________. You have to make an inference based off what you know and prior back ground knowledge. 

What is: What is implied..


There are many fun things to do at the beach.  Swimming is one thing that can be done at the beach.  Snorkeling is another thing that can be enjoyed.  Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun.  It is also fun to look for shells.  Some people simply like to sunbathe. 


What is... There are many fun things to do at the beach such as snorkel, play volleyball, and look for shells.


Find         TWO      supporting details: While Benjamin Franklin is known as a statesman and diplomat, he was also an accomplished inventor and scientist. Franklin was mainly a printer by profession, but he also investigated natural phenomena, such as ocean currents and lightning. His marine research led to his publication of a map of the Gulf Stream currents. Franklin developed theories about electricity, made famous by his experiment with a kite and a key during a lightning storm. As a result of his work with electricity, Franklin invented the lightning rod, which protected buildings from lightning strikes. Always curious and imaginative, Franklin also invented the bifocal glasses, the Franklin stove, an odometer for carriages and a musical instrument called a glass armonica. He investigated evaporation as a cooling technique and designed nautical enhancements, including watertight compartments.

Answers may vary Supporting details:

 1) He published a map on Gulf Stream currents. 

2) He studied electricity. 

3) He researched evaporation. 4) He invented the bifocals. 5) He invented the lightning rod


What question should you ask yourself to find the main idea of a passage or paragraph? a. What is happening in this paragraph? b. What is going on in this paragraph? c. Who or what is the paragraph talking about? d. What is the most important point the author wants me to understand?

What is:         d. What is the most important point the author wants me to understand?


When a poem's speaker describes beautiful flowers, bright sunshine and a happy childhood, you might conclude that he or she A. Spends a lot of time outside. B. Has a positive outlook on life C. Writes poems a lot. D. Is unhappy most of the time E. None of the above

What is: B. Has a positive outlook on life


Just like theme in fiction, the central idea is not a topic or phrase; It should be a ____________ sentence. 

What is: A complete sentence


True or False: Summaries are always about the same length as the original text and include the reader's input and perceptions.

What is false?


Find two supporting details: The rain began early in the morning. It fell as hard drops, one after another.  The sky was full of dark purple clouds. Thunder began as a soft rumble and became louder and louder. Lightning crashed every few minutes, making the sky a brilliant white.

ANSWERS MAY VARY Supporting details: 1)The clouds were dark purple. 2)Thunder became louder and louder. 3)The raindrops fell one after another.


Soccer is known in some countries as football. It is a popular sport across the world, with over 200 countries playing the sport. It is estimated that over 250 million people, both men and women, play soccer. The sport has been part of the Olympic games from 1900 to 1928 and from 1936 to today. What is the main idea of the paragraph? 

What is: It is a popular sport across the world, with over 200 countries playing the sport.  

Soccer is a worldwide sport.
