Learning Trees
Treatment Plan
Parent Portal
CR Mobile

As a CIO/COD, I can't make edits to my BCBA's learning tree. What is wrong? 

The sharing access is set to "Read" not "Edit"

I made and edit to my learning tree but I am not immediately seeing it, why? 

Did not refresh page after edit. 


What are the two main things to check to ensure the goals pull into the treatment plan via the provided link? 

1. Is it "in progress", blue. 

2. Is it in a three tier model.

What should I send parents when preparing to set up the portal? 

The Central Reach Parent Portal document and video. 


If you use CR mobile, you convert your note via? 

Draft timesheets


An RBT did not select graph all when ending the session because another RBT was taking over. Can I retrieve the data still? 

No, be sure RBTs are aware that they must graph all and end session even if another RBT is continuing the session.


How do I pull the Learning tree template in for initial client's? 

Option 1: Learn tab-Clinical-Learning tree-Library-Inbloom Learning Tree Template-assign

Option 2: "+" - Library- Inbloom Learning Tree Template


I pulled in my behavior reduction targets but my goal is pulling the operational definition instead of the long-term objective. What should you check? 

Check note details, the goal should pull from mastery criteria. The operational definition goes in the program goal section. 


True or False: The caregiver is automatically attached to documents via the signature link in the treatment plan. 

True. As long as the client signature link is attached in the treatment plan, the caregiver will automatically see this plan. 


True or False: RBTs have up to 15-20 minutes to complete their notes. 

False. They are only provided with 10 minutes. 


Do I need to include treatment protocols in a BIP that is attached to a treatment plan?

No, you can use the same information in plan


When should we consider making a personal goal bank? 

If you use similar programs across clients and if you want a more individualized mastery criteria. 


There should be no more than _______ months between date initiated and baseline. 

2-3 months. All else requires explantation for the delay in initiation


Parents are in the portal but they see things from a previous provider. What is wrong? 

They used the same email from that provider, the email must be different. 

True or False: I forgot to start my appointment for 10 minutes. I will just adjust my time within the timesheet when doing my note. 

False. RBTs should only be adjusting their end time to accommodate writing their session note. If they forgot to clock in, they should message scheduling. 


I archived my learning tree by accident. How can I get it back?

Learn tab-Clinical-Learning Tree-Filter-Basics-Archived. 


Why are there a bunch of phase change lines in my graph? 

Mastery criteria has add auto phase change lines in but the criteria is set to "do not progress"

I accidentally deleted the link to pull in my instructional goals. What can I do? 

Open another tab, go to the client's dashboard, open a new template, copy/paste the link back to original document. 

If I can't get in the portal, should I keep trying and possibly have a late plan? 

No, you can still Docusign


CR mobile works offline, how long can you wait until data is lost without logging back in with WiFi? 

36 hours. 


My colleagues are unable to use the branches I created in the goal bank. They can see it but it won't let them pull into their client's tree or make edits to the branch. What is the problem? 

Changes to the settings are required. Change from Single Use-Read Only to Multi-Use Editable. 


Why won't my mastery criteria work? It is set but it will not move it to maintenance. 

The criteria does not have the green check mark meaning it is not active. 


I accidentally deleted the replacement skills page that I needed, where should I paste the link? 

Replacement behaviors link after the target behavior section. Pasting the link to a section of the plan that makes the most sense is okay. 


What is the main reason why a parent cannot find the signature page? 

They default on the File Details page. They have to shift to Note/Form to see the signatures page. 


Do you have to use CR mobile? 

