One requirement of a claim is to include...
One of the following: Author's Name and Title of Text
What needs to be written before your quote?
A transition sentence
What is the first part of the reasoning?
Explain how the evidence supports the claim
What is the first requirement of the conclusion?
Rephrase the claim
In addition to including the author's name and title of the text in the claim, the writer should also be sure to...
restate and answer the question.
What needs to go around your quote?
Quotation Marks
What is the second piece of reasoning?
Explain why the topic might be important to the reader
What is the second requirement of the conclusion?
End with a reflection
Prompt: What can teachers do to help students learn the most in school?
Determine what is incorrect about the following claim:
According to the article “No More Homework,” teachers can do more group activities in the classroom, instead of giving homework, to help students learn the most that they can.
Missing author's name
What needs to go before and after your quote?
A signal phrase and a citation
What is different between evidence and reasoning?
Evidence is cited from the text and reasoning is in your own words
Identify what is wrong with the following conclusion:
Claim - In his award winning research titled “No More Homework”, Brandon James, explains that teachers can do more group activities in the classroom, instead of giving homework, to help students learn the most that they can.
Conclusion - In his award winning research titled “No More Homework”, Brandon James, explains that teachers can do more group activities in the classroom, instead of giving homework, to help students learn the most that they can.
The claim is not rephrased
Prompt: What can teachers do to help students learn the most in school?
Determine what is incorrect about the following claim:
In the article “No More Homework,” by Brandon James, teachers should not give as much homework to kids because they don’t have time to get it done every day.
Does not restate and answer the prompt.
What is incorrect about this piece of evidence?
Through his groundbreaking work, James has found evidence that proves the effectiveness of group work in the classroom. “In 97% of classrooms studied, the research shows that the students who had an opportunity to share ideas in a group setting were able to remember them on the test later down the road.” (1)
It is missing a signal phrase.
What is incorrrect about this reasoning:
In the above example, the author explains that students learn better in groups because they can share their ideas, which leads to them remembering more on their tests. I think that this is true because I learn a lot more when I work in groups. In groups, my friends can help me come up with answers that I didn’t know before and they can explain why the answers are correct. Sometimes without my friends, I would not be able to arrive at the answers and would do bad on my tests because I didn’t learn anything. When I do homework I usually just guess or google the answer, but then I am not able to get the right answers when I have to take the test in school.
It refers to the author's personal experience instead of explaining the evidence.
Identify what is wrong with the following conclusion:
Claim - In his award winning research titled “No More Homework”, Brandon James, explains that teachers can do more group activities in the classroom, instead of giving homework, to help students learn the most that they can.
Conclusion - In his award winning research titled “No More Homework”, Brandon James, explains that teachers can do more group activities in the classroom, instead of giving homework, to help students learn the most that they can. This research is groundbreaking in that it might change the way teachers conduct their classrooms and help students be more prepared for the future.
The claim is not rephrased
Which Claim is Correct?
Prompt: What can teachers do to help students learn the most in school?
1. According to the article “No More Homework,” teachers can do more group activities in the classroom, instead of giving homework, to help students learn the most that they can.
2. Brandon James states that teachers can do more group activities in the classroom, instead of giving homework, to help students learn the most that they can.
3. In the article “No More Homework,” by Brandon James, teachers should not give as much homework to kids because they don’t have time to get it done every day.
4. In his award winning research titled “No More Homework”, Brandon James, explains that teachers can do more group activities in the classroom, instead of giving homework, to help students learn the most that they can
Choose the best piece of evidence:
Prompt: What can teachers do to help students learn the most in school?
1. “In 97% of classrooms studied, the research shows that the students who had an opportunity to share ideas in a group setting were able to remember them on the test later down the road.” (1)
2. Through his groundbreaking work, James has found evidence that proves the effectiveness of group work in the classroom. He states, “In 97% of classrooms studied, the research shows that the students who had an opportunity to share ideas in a group setting were able to remember them on the test later down the road.” (1)
3. Through his groundbreaking work, James has found evidence that proves the effectiveness of group work in the classroom. He states, “In 97% of classrooms studied, the research shows that the students who had an opportunity to share ideas in a group setting were able to remember them on the test later down the road.”
4. Through his groundbreaking work, James has found evidence that proves the effectiveness of group work in the classroom. He states, “Research has shown that the best teachers are the ones with a masters degree in education. Although the requirement to teach is a bachelor's, a master’s degree is better.” (1)
What is incorrect about the following reasoning:
In the above example, the author explains that group work is a more effective way to teach students than giving homework because it gives the students the opportunity to memorize what they are learning through conversation with other classmates. Many times when students are given homework they copy the answers from a friend, google the answers or just guess, which doesn’t lead to real learning. In a classroom discussion, however, students have the chance to share their ideas which requires them to really think about the topic they are studying. In groups, students also have the opportunity to ask questions and give feedback about their classmates thoughts.
It is missing the warrant
Determine the best conclusion:
Claim - In his award winning research titled “No More Homework”, Brandon James, explains that teachers can do more group activities in the classroom, instead of giving homework, to help students learn the most that they can.
1. Brandon James provides many examples of how teachers can provide more effective learning opportunities through group work instead of homework in his article “No More Homework.”
2. In his award winning research titled “No More Homework”, Brandon James, explains that teachers can do more group activities in the classroom, instead of giving homework, to help students learn the most that they can.
3. Brandon James provides many examples of how teachers can provide more effective learning opportunities through group work instead of homework in his article “No More Homework.” This research is groundbreaking in that it might change the way teachers conduct their classrooms and help students be more prepared for the future.
4. In his award winning research titled “No More Homework”, Brandon James, explains that teachers can do more group activities in the classroom, instead of giving homework, to help students learn the most that they can. This research is groundbreaking in that it might change the way teachers conduct their classrooms and help students be more prepared for the future.
Choose the best reasoning