Name one function of the cerebrum?
touch, vision, or hearing
Where is the cerebrum located in the brain?
Superior part of the cranial cavity
13th Century
85% of the brain's weight
What does your cerebrum control?
It has spine control and movement
What does the cerebrum look like?
A walnut without its' shell. Smooth with wrinkles
What two men wrote the anatomy textbook?
Mondino de Luzzi and Guido da Vigevano
Is multitasking possible?
No, you are just changing tasks (studies show it takes 50% longer to multi task.
True or False: The cerebrum regulates your temperature?
How many hemispheres does your brain have?
2 hemispheres
How did they discover the cerebrum?
Liuzzi was the first to perform a disection and document the disection.
True or False: Your brain can power a lightbulb?
True, your brain can generate 12-25 watts of electricity when you are active.
True or False: The cerebrum does not control your emotions and reasoning.
False, the cerebrum controls your emotions, reasoning, and speech
What lobes are within the cerebrum?
Trick question... all of them. Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Occipital Lobe, Temporal Lobe
Where/how does the cerebrum develop?
Prenatally it develops from the forebrain
When you have to pick up you phone with your right hand. What side of your brain is processing this function?
Left side, because of crossed representation when something happens with one side of your body the other side of the brain processes it.