What is the Fundamental WorkOne Mission
What is to assist our customers to find a job, keep a job, earn a self-sufficient wage
Senior Community Service Employment Program
Direct Linkage
Partner listed in WorkOne Partner Service Matrix. Partners are either onsite full or part time or ETA can make appointment while customer is in the office.
What are some partners of WorkOne?
What is Proteus, Easter Seals, Bridges to Hope, Voc Rehab, SCSEP, Grant's Got Talent, Adams-Wells Manufacturing Alliance
Grant County Sector Partnerships
Grant's Got Talent and Adams/Wells Manufacturing Alliance
NEIN Works Values
Passion, Respect, Integrity and Quality
Order of Selection - used by Voc Rehab
Trade Adjustment Assistance
What is a Sector Partnership?
What is employer driven collaborative efforts dedicated to fill talent pipeline for in demand occupations, informed by LMI, usually county bases, meet regularly, generally facilitated by LEDO's (Local Economic Development Organization), workforce development (NEIN) and/or other organizations
What should an employment plan be centered around?
What is what the customer wants and is customer focused and jointly developed
Who leads sector partnerships?
An employer driven group of industry representatives and educators dedicated to activities aimed to fill the talent pipeline for in demand occupations. Informed by LMI. County based. Meet regularly. Facilitated by LEDO's, workforce development, and/or other organizations.
What is OCRA
Office of Community and Rural Affairs
What shows that performance has been achieved?
What is enrollment, placement, follow-up, workshops, case notes, hiring events, BSR sends out resume, measurable skils gain, veteran outreach, on the job training, check in's
What are the top employer sectors for Region 3?
Healthcare, Advanced Manufacturing, Transportation & Logistics, Agribusiness, Finance & Specialty Insurance, Construction & Building Trades
How do you determine what should be on an employment plan?
What is assessment results, employment history, all OAS, any barriers, interview, customer needs
What are the Four Pillars of the WorkOne Structure?
What is Service Delivery, Compliance, Performance, and Fiscal Control
Memorandum of Understanding
What does DVOP stand for
Disabled Veterans Outreach Program
Re-employment Services and Eligibility Assessment
What is LEDO
Local Economic Development Organization
Where is the official American Job Center logo displayed?
What is on handouts, brochures, power points, printed material, badge, lanyard, and email.
How to determine Priority of Service?
What do Sector Partners do?
What is work with K-12 to promote career pathways, create teacher/counselor externships, support work based learning for students, provide supporting information for training opportunties
Primary WorkOne Funding Streams
What is Adult Program Services, Workforce Ready Grant, Dislocated Workers Services, Trade Adjustment Services, Veterans Program Services, ABE, Next Level Jobs