Taking what kind of medication for a long period of time might increase a person's risk for cervical cancer?
What are contraceptives?
This is the rank of cervical cancer as a cause of cancer death among women worldwide.
What is fourth?
What is the average 5-year relative survival rate when diagnosed at an early stage?
What is 90%?
Nurses help patients understand the importance of this in preventing HPV infection.
What is the HPV vaccination?
This is the most common way to become infected with HPV.
What is sexual activity?
What ethnicity has the highest incidence of cervical cancer?
What is Hispanic/Latino?
Developed countries have seen a (reduction/increase) in mortality rates over the past 50 years due to the implementation of Pap smears and screening.
What is reduction?
Nurses assist patients in scheduling and following up on these tests to detect cervical cancer early.
What are Pap smears or HPV screenings?
Smoking and having multiple sexual partners are among the risk factors for this type of cancer.
What is cervical cancer?
These countries have seen a 75% reduction in cervical cancer incidence and mortality due to Pap smears and HPV vaccination.
What are developed countries?
The survival rate for cervical cancer after it has metastasized is this low.
What is 19%?
Nurses provide guidance on improving overall health by addressing this behavior, which increases the risk of cervical cancer.
What is smoking?
Women who are obese may face this risk when it comes to cervical cancer screening.
What is difficulty accessing or receiving timely screening?
Lower socioeconomic factors are often linked to (higher/lower) rates of cervical cancer.
What are higher rates?
The overall survival rate of cancer is (greater/less than) 60%.
What is greater than?
Nurses provide this type of support to help patients cope with the emotional toll of a cancer diagnosis.
What is emotional and psychosocial support?
Early-stage cervical cancer may have these kinds of symptoms, or sometimes none at all.
What are no symptoms or subtle symptoms?
This group has the lowest cervical cancer incidence rate at 6.0 per 100,000.
What are Asian/Pacific Islander women?
This method of early detection has been shown to drastically improve survival rates for cervical cancer.
What is the Pap smear test?
Nurses monitor this during post-treatment care to ensure that side effects are managed and recovery progresses well.
What is recovery and managing treatment side effects?