The acronym for VCW stands for
What is Valerie C. Woodard
CES may suggest customers to apply for DSS Services by
What is
Paper or E Pass
This Community Partner assist customers with Job Placement, Training Prohrams and Resume writing
What is NC Works or Charlotte Works
The kiosk CPUs are powered all the way down/ off
What is the 15th of each month
The number of food boxes customers can receive from the CRC mini Food Pantry
What is 1 box per family member within the house hold
The acronym for EBS stands for
What is
Ella B. Scarborough
The opening CES shall perform these 4 lobby processes prior to opening for business
What is
1) power on wall monitors
2) turn on kiosk
3) issue kiosk test tickets
4) discenfect and tidy the lobby
This Community Partner assist customers with 0% intrest loans and financial budgeting
Who is
Common Wealth
Customers entering the CRC requesting a Fishing Wavier should be issued a kiosk ticket after selecting these 2 options
What is
The Department of Social Services and Food and Nutrion Services
The Document Drop Off counter is unable to receive
what is
New/ initial DSS applications for medicaid or food stamps
The acryonym for DCR stands for
What is the
Department of Community Rescources
CES must conduct lobby Sweeps a minimum of
What is 4 times a day and once at the end of the day
This Community Partner assist with customers that are homeless or will be homeless soon
Who is
Coordinated Entry or Community Support Services
Customers entering the CRC requesting Rental Assistance should be given a ticket for_______ to be put on the queue for _________
What is
the Department of Social Services
for Partnership Services
The Cashier Counter can accept payments for _____ and not _____
What is
Child support application and not Child support payments
The acryonym for LIEAP and CIP stands for
What is
Low Income Enegry Assistance Program
Crisis Intervention Program
The CES can assist customers with completing out applications except when it comes to
What is Sign for the customer
This Community Partner assist families and children with behavioral or mental health concerns
Who is
Parnet Choice (Mental Health America)
What option should be selected on the kiosk for QPSA
What is Food and Nutrition Services
In order for children to particpate in the Kids Corner they must meet these 2 criterias
what is
1) age 3-8
2) toilet trained
The acryonym for HHS stands for
What is Human Health Services
The CES should suggest customers use the services of _________ to research resources not available at the CRC
What is the
Computer Lab
This Community Partner is available to customers at the VCW on what day of the week from 1pm - 4 pm to assist with evictions
Who is
Legal Aid
Which following 5 categorized services require the CES to select "YES" the customer has an appointment
Who is
1) Food and Nutrition Services for QPSA
2) WIC
4) All community Partners
5) Child Support Services/ Child Support Enforcement
The DSS unit that provides training (cash if they qualify) and employment services to familes with children under the age of 18 to help partents to become self sufficient
What is the
Work First Program or TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)