O is/was fluent in these 4 languages.
What are Russian, Latvian, English, and German?
This greek god shares a name with Tati's favourite fluffy boy.
Who is Zeus?
I am convinced that this man is Will's dad.
Who is Michael Griffin?
In her adolescence, Liz competed in this style of dance competition.
What is Irish Step/Riverdancing?
This person runs Totem Park 2020's freshest meme page.
Who is O?
Despite both of them owning one, Danny and O have hardly interacted using this gaming device.
What is Nintendo Switch?
If Rit's family had a third son, this would be his name.
Who is It?
Despite hogging a myriad of out nights for it, I have never once witnessed Lamya doing this activity in person.
What is dancing?
At the Big Team meeting where Liz made her debut as our RC, she was wearing this colour jacket.
What is yellow?
Ilakkiyan will never beat Danny at this video game.
What is Super Smash Bros.?
Danny's wardrobe contains copious amounts of this alternative to a belt.
What are suspenders?
Having been born of different zygotes, this is the type of non-identical twindom that Tati shares with her sister.
What are Fraternal twins?
With Kristian as his co-star, Will played this headlining character of his high school musical production.
Who is Shrek?
In one of the many—/many/—videos that Lamya dug up of Johnny's celebrity career, Johnny Tao, aka Power Boy #8, can be seen playing this sport.
What is basketball?
This raccoon was prophesied to have lived in Liz's room before she moved in.
Who is Razzy?
These are the two colours that Danny mixes up.
What are red and green?
This movie served as the inspiration for Rit and Tati's first passive.
What is Up?
Despite knowing nothing about her, Ilakkiyan has been in a relationship with his girlfriend since they were both at this level of education.
What is high school? / What is secondary school?
Danny's iPhone gave Johnny this infamous nickname.
Who is Jade Ho?
At the beginning of the year, Tati considered documenting the trying life of this size of girl.
What is small?
The title of this former Marxist–Leninist state doubled as O and Misha's ship name.
What is the Soviet Union?
In gay terminology, Rit refers to his body type using this one-word title.
What is a twunk?
This letter is the only consonant that is present twice in the name of the 3rd Floor's Blue Side RA.
What is K?
When asked to do an impression of Liz, O stated these two qualities summed up the personality of her RC.
What are 'cool pants' and 'bullet journals'?
Rit, aka "Mr. Worldwide", has plans to get busy with every citizen of this country in particular.
What is Kenya?