What is the title of your livret?
What is C'est l'hiver!
Les bottes d'hiver?
What is winter boots
La neige?
What is snow!
Another word for sledding!
What is Faire du Toboggan
Translate : Il porte
He wears
What animal is on the cover of your livret? Double points if you know the French name of the animal.
What is L'orignal (Moose)
Gants ou Mitaines? Which is which?
What is Gloves and Mittens
You drink this after playing in the snow
(answer in French)
Le chocolat chaud
This sort of activity happens at what winter festival?
Carnaval de Québec
Translate : Nous portons
We wear
On page 8, the weather is mentioned. What VERB do we use to describe the weather.
What is Faire
(i.e. Il fait chaud)
On many animals including the cover there is this item in French around their neck
What is une écharpe
This little flake falls from the sky
Un flocon de neige
This activity requires you to wear something tennis related on your feet?!
Les raquettes
Translate : They (m.) wear
Ils portent
Qu'est ce qu'ils portent? What are the 3 clothing wearing animals that we described on page 11?
Bonus if you get them in French!
Translate the following to English:
Un chandail
Les chaussettes
What is: Slippers, Sweater and Socks
What are 3 activities you can do down a hill in the snow?
Toboggan, Ski, Planche à neige (snowboard)
This famous Québéquoi is who?
Bonhomme Carnaval
Translate : You wear (friend) AND You wear (stranger)
Tu portes (friend) ET Vous portez (stranger)
Mon lexique is the title of page 2... What does it mean?
What is my glossary (or vocabulary)
Translate the following to French:
Snow pants
Ear muffs
Winter coat
What is: Pantalon de neige, les cache-oreilles, et un manteau d'hiver
Item one: Roll up this ___________
Item two: To create and build this ____________
Une boule de neige et un bonhomme de neige
In order to have snowy activities you'll need these 2 weather patterns to happen!
Il neige et il fait froid
Translate : The penguin (f.) wears a sweater
Elle porte un tuque OR
Le pingouin porte un chandail