Jobs & Pay
Is it Good for you
Soft vs Hard skills
What is empathy

If you take a job that has a higher risk is this going to be a high or low paying job?



What is an example of a healthy snack?

Glass of milk, yogurt, banana, apple, orange, peanut butter & celery, 


Insurance that helps out when you need to go to the doctor, see an optometrist, or visit a dentist is called?

Health insurance

Medical, dental, vision


If you are trained to unclog toilets/drains & install pipes & faucets, these are the skills that are used by a plumber.  Are these hard skills or soft skills.  

Hard Skills


If your friend tells you that their parent is sick and they are really worried about it how could you respond with empathy?

I’m sorry you are going through this.

That must be hard.

This must be hard to talk about. Thanks for opening up to me.


A welder makes more or less money that a teacher, true or false?


Welder 52,000 annually

Teacher 74,000 annually


If the ingredient list for a snack begins with sugar or corn syrup is this a healthy snack?

No, sugar is in everything, but if the content of the snack is mostly sugar, it is not goof for you.


If your job requires you to be physically fit to do your job well, or just wants to contribute to keeping their employees healthy, what benefit might an employer provide to help with this?

Gym membership


If you enlist in the military one of the skills that they instill in you is the ability to follow instructions.  Is this a hard skill or a soft skill?

Soft skill


If your dad got hurt at work, what is a way that you can show empathy to him and to your family?

Ask how he everyone is doing

Pay attention to the things around the house that might not be getting done as a result of his injury and volunteer to help. 


A sheriff deputy right out of academy should make the same amount of money as someone who has been on the job for 20 years true or false?

False, the person in the job for 20 years has received raises and training that allows them to get paid more than those that just started on the job.  


When you look at the ingredient list of any snack, what it one thing that tells us it is probably not very good for you?  

If it has ingredients that you do not recognize what they are or they are difficult to pronounce


If there was an accident and you die, what benefit provided by your employer, might help your family out with bills after your gone? 

Life Insurance


Welding, HVAC repair, Computer programming are examples of hard skills or soft skills?

Hard skills


What is the definition of empathy?

The ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person's situation.


What are some of the reasons that someone gets paid a higher wage than others?  

Physically demanding, high demand, special skills/training, education, risk, more responsibility


Tell me some food items that do not come with an ingredient list because they might not have a label.

pomegranate, orange, banana, apple, broccoli 


If your job wants you to move to another location, what benefit might the company offer to help you get to that new location?

Re-location assistance - pay for the movers, pay for a storage unit if needed, pay the rent/mortgage in your new home for a period of time.


If you are an employee that is consistent in your work ethic, show up on time, take your breaks when you are supposed to is this consistency a hard skill or a soft skill?

Soft skill


Your favorite restaurant is closed down because of covid.  Although you are upset about this, how can you show empathy so that your bad attitude steal the joy from others?  

Realize that people are out of work because of the closure so that not eating at your favorite restaurant is a small problem when others are experiencing even greater problems.  


Give one example of a high paying job and one example of a low paying job.

Varied answers


If you are meal planning and want to make something that is healthy for dinner what food groups should be included in your meal plan? 

Protein, veggie, a whole grain & water to drink


Continuing education is an important part of being able to do your job well.  Many employers see the value in investing in their employees and offer to pay for your training or if the training costs you money.   This benefit is called ________  __________.   

Tuition re-imbursement


Name a soft skill that you can utilize no matter where you work. 

Reliability, hard work, honesty, 


Imagine you witness another student being bullied at school?  How do you demonstrate empathy to the bullied student? 

Do.... Help the student get away from the bullies.

Go with them to the office to report the incident 

Say......  I am so sorry that happened to you.  

Share a time when you were bullied
