Divine Revelation
Describe the Parable of the Rich, Young Man
Matthew 19:16-26
Name the Holy Trinity
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
What is the title of Catholicism's history?
Salvation History
How many candles are on the advent wreath?
This person never shows up to class
What is Divine Revelation?
How God communicates to us through mystical ways
Why is faith important?
(Open ended)
What is a covenant?
An agreement
What was Jesus' main purpose?
To save us from sin
This person was called annoying by Travis after moving to a new school
What ways do God reveal Himself? (At least 2/4)
1. Jesus Christ (scripture & tradition)
2. Catholic Church (teaches us)
3. Creation (beauty of nature)
4. Other people (see Christ in others)
Describe the Ultimate Sacrifice and the meaning
Jesus sacrificed his own life so that our sins could be forgiven.
Why did the 7th covenant last?
Only Jesus is able to mend the broken relationship with God because He himself is God.
Describe the timeline of Jesus (4 main points)
Hidden life until 30
Preached, did miracles, taught, called apostles, etc…
Suffered, died, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven
This person has eaten crickets and alligators
What is our purpose?
To know, love, and serve God now and to live with Him forever in heaven.
What are the four attributes of God?
God is Trinity.
God is almighty/ all-powerful.
God is Truth.
God is Love.
How many of the covenants are part of the New Testament?
Name each of the candles - what they represent - in order and color
1. Hope - purple
2. Love/Faith - purple
3. Joy - pink
4. Peace - purple
This person watched all of Naruto in a month
Name Aquinas' 5 proofs of God's existence
Everything originates through something
Cause and effect
Something must be dependent on another thing
Great vs greater vs greatest
Everything has direction
What are the characteristics of Faith? (At least 4/7)
It is a free gift from God
Necessary for salvation
Requires free will and clear understanding
Absolutely certain because Jesus’ guarantees it.
Incomplete unless it leads to active love
Grows when we read scripture and pray
Gives us a foretaste of heaven
Name the 7 covenants (At least 5/7)
What are the three comings of Jesus?
In History (Jesus in flesh)
Second Coming (end of the world)
In our Hearts
This person took 4 tries to get their driving license
Mr. Andrew