Said by our President at The State of The Union. Also known as everyone's mom's catchprase.
Me: *Stays on his computer for one more minute*
Make A Wish!
Rhane Miller
This buzzy body was added in a recent patch. He's his own knees!
This spooky Fortnite season prominently featured a floating island with everyone's favorite cube that traversed the island.
Season 6
Vaping in the bathroom
Said by a highschool football player in reference to his game. Is used in memes with extreme misdirection.
I just had to put down my dog. He didn't get enough sleep since he always wants to play so I put him in his doggie bed and we slept together.
They had us in the 1st half, not gonna lie.
This cast wearing crusader is one whom we all hold near and dear to our hearts. Not too close though! He doesn't like touching
Noah Cole
Hey I think I found a duplication glitch! It's kind of a sticky situation though
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Oh it is a plane. And now I'm in the lobby.
Season 5
Talking about fingering a girl while Frank is in the room.
These artic animals are proclaming that they've finished off something by saying, "We ___ __ ____, ______ is no more." These feathery friends are from the animated Dreamworks movie, Penguins of Madagascar
We did it boys, racism is no more
-Plays a lot of video games you might play.
-2nd In Command
Tyler Harney
This mob is a pretty chill dude considering his hot biome. Don't hit him because that'll REALLY cook his bacon!
Zombie Pigmen
1 word. B.R.U.T.E-al
Season X
Hey! That's not your money!
Nave (Either one)
This iconic scene is taken straight from Sony's "Into The Spiderverse". It features Miles Morales putting his hand on Gwen Stacy's shoulder and saying this line.
Frank Harney
This mob actually holds items in it's mouth! If it's food, it can even eat it!
This Season started the long-flowing "story" that Fortnite has today. Some would say that this is when Fortnite was the most popular. It started with comet and ended with a rocket.
Season 4
I was yelled at by a guest because this absolute dood was outside on his phone while Johnny was on iPOS
This meme is from the cult classic film, Megamind. Metroman proclaims his love for the city, a person returns the same love, and Metroman responds with, "And I ____ ___ ___, ______ _______!"
"And I love you too, Random Citizen!"
List our 3 newest employees.
Cam King, Spencer Friesen, and David Renard
Being the ultimate combo of the dead and the living, this mob is sure to give you Ostiophobia and Arachnophobia!
Spider Jockey
This Season gave birth to everyone's favorite purple hexahedron, sadly it ended him as well when he dissolved into Loot Lake
Season 5
List off the three people that Nelson will be fired in no specific order in 15 seconds. This question will be worth 800 points.
Kris, Ashton, and Tristen Johnson