Life at War
Civil War Battles
Emancipation Proclamation
Battle of Fort Sumter

Average age of U.S. soldier during Civil War

What is: Ages 16-23


________ strategic location on the Mississippi River made it a critical win for both the Union and the Confederacy. The Confederate surrender there ensured Union control of the Mississippi River and cleaved the South in two.

What is Vicksburg?

What is the Siege of Vicksburg?


The date the Proclamation was written, vs. when it was released.

September 22, 1862

January 1, 1863


The name of the Harbor where Fort Sumter is located.

What is Charleston Harbor?


Location of the battle (State)

What is Maryland?


Examples of what a soldier might carry on them. (name 3)

Hardtack, Eating utensils, ammo pouches, blanket, cooking ware and eating utensils, rifle, money, Bible, Backpack, comb, toothbrush


Hardin County, TN  |  Apr 6 - 7, 1862

The Battle of ______, also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, allowed Union troops to penetrate the Confederate interior. The carnage was unprecedented, with the human toll being the greatest of any war on the American continent up to that date.

What is the battle of Shiloh?


The Slave-holding States unaffected by the Proclamation

What are Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, and Delaware?


The southern state where Fort Sumter is located

What is South Carolina?


Estimated Casualties (Deadliest one-day battle)


12,401 Union

10,316 Confederate


Of the over 600,000 estimated dead soldiers from the U.S. Civil War, 400,000 died from this



Trapped by the Federals near ________ Court House, Confederate general Robert E. Lee surrendered his army to Union general Ulysses S. Grant, precipitating the capitulation of other Confederate forces and leading to the end of the bloodiest conflict in American history.

What is the Battle of Appomattox?

Battle of Appomattox Courthouse.


The passage of the Emancipation Proclamation which enables former slaves to join the Union military.

What is "And I further declare and make known, that such persons of suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service."


The method by which Abraham Lincoln tried to resupply the fort.

What is an unarmed ship?


A Union victory in this battle led to Lincoln issuing this legal document.

What is the Emancipation Proclamation?


Fairfax County and Prince William County, VA  |  Jul 21, 1861

___ ___ was the first full-scale battle of the Civil War. The fierce fight there forced both the North and South to face the sobering reality that the war would be long and bloody.

What is the First Battle of Bull Run?

What is the Battle of Manassas? 


Groups pleased with the Emancipation Proclamation

Who are: 

European countries like Great Britain.



The first 7 states to secede from the Union

What are South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas?


Who is considered the "winner" of the Battle of Antietam?

While considered a "tactical draw", Lincoln claims a "strategic victory"


Tennessee  |  Feb 6, 1862

The Battle of ____ _____, Tennessee occurred as part of a Union plan to open a water route into the Confederate heartland by capturing Forts Henry and Donelson. In January of 1862, Brig. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and Flag Officer Andrew Foote were commissioned to lead a joint expedition to seize the twin forts.

What is Fort Henry?


Groups displeased with Emancipation Proclamation

Who are:

Southern Planters

Pro-slavers/slave catchers

Northerners afraid of losing jobs to freed slaves.


The states which seceded after the Confederates win the Battle of Fort Sumter.

What are Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee?


The leading Generals of Antietam

Who are Robert E. Lee and George B. McClellan?
