How many tesla gates are within the Site?
Who was the Council Member in charge of Site D
Bonus: Why was he demoted?
William Booth
Bonus: Spreading Foundation Secrets, Looking at not so kid friendly content.
This CFF has the ability to control any electronics. What is the name and number of this CFF?
Bonus: What 2 things can control him?
CFF 007 the Tv
Bonus: Pancakes and CFF 420
This personal rose from level 0 to level 6 fairly quickly. This scientist was confronted and accused of being a CFF after a incident. What is this characters name
Dr. Craig
What Site did the Flower incident take place?
Site C
There are 4 zones that make up Site E.
What is the biggest zone?
(Bonus: what is the smallest?)
Entrance consisting of Gate A zone and around Gate B.
Bonus: Light Containment zone
How many floors are in within the Light Containment Zone.
Bonus: What about the Entire Site
Bonus: 16/12
This CFF has the ability to clone any other CFF ability. What is the name of this CFF?
Bonus: What is the number?
William Booth
CFF 000
This character was first introduced 1 year before the realm. What is this character?
Bonus: What series are they known for?
M.W.C. Controller
Bonus: The Mirror World
Who founded CFF?
Bonus: What other universe did this take place in?
A. Community, B. Mirror World, C. Realm, D. Adventure Game
Michal Booth
Bonus: B/C/D
All Sites have different purposes. What is Site E's main purpose.
To test newly contained or unknown CFF's.
In the beginning, CFFs would be contained and locating using another CFF. What was this CFF's Name?
Bonus: What was its number
Bonus: 030
This CFF was created 6 years ago in the winter of 2018. What is the name of this CFF?
Bonus: What are they known for being in?
Bonus: Adventure Game
This Scientist is of extremely high priority due to their large knowledge of several Sites including Site D, Site E, and Site B. Along with this they have ties to several high priority allies to the Foundation. Who is this Scientist.
What is the Faction Tamwyn Amowyn is from?
Heavy Containment zone has many different Cells that are very different from their Site D counterparts. But what was the first cell to get re-worked
A: CFF 041(Shadow King), B: CFF 007(Tv), C: CFF 019(Tank), D: CFF 017(Chaser)
Bonus: What was the last cell IN GENERAL to get re-worked.
CFF 041 (Shadow King)
Bonus: CFF 064 (Flower)
True or False: Deaths as RCF units would get you onto different Teams
True: if you died 10 times on RCF Delta 4, you would be changed to RCF Echo 4. This would have no difference but would show people how many times you died. This would go on to Alpha, then back to Delta. It would loop increasing the number every loop.
This CFF kills anything that goes into darkness for longer than 30 seconds. What is the name of this CFF?
Bonus: What is its number?
Shadow Hand
Bonus: 020
The character was not hired by the foundation. How did he get here. Who is this Scientist.
Dr. Stephens
What CFF has caused the death of the most Council Members?
CFF 068/ CFF 146
Core raids were introduced to CFF starting at Site E. What Gate did Core used to attack from?
Bonus: What was their vehicle of choice
Gate A.
Bonus: A Car/ Van
When did Site D start Construction
February 25 2023
This CFF has the ability to phase through walls that are 3 wide and not through copper. It is to be held at Site C after an incident at Site D. What is the name of this CFF.
Bonus: What is its number.
The Spectre
CFF 023
This Scientist became highly important after their research on a large majority of the CFFs within Site D. They often pick pocketed from the guards within. Who is this scientist.
Dr. Cash
What is the first CFF contained in Canon?
CFF 016