Dress Code
Guidelines for Staff Conduct
Personal Vs. Professional Relationships
Social Media
Missed Work

Should you wear your staff shirt EVERYDAY that you are working with participants?

Yes. You should make sure you have a CFL shirt on by 2:30 pm on the days you are working. 


Is it okay to swear in front of the participants? 

No, we are trying to maintain a healthy working environment, remembering that we are role models for the participants. 


Is it okay to share something you have in common with your co-worker? 

Yes! We encourage the staff to bond over interests. Who knows? Your interested could end up being an activity you co-lead with the participants. 


Should you friend participants on social media who are NOT your family.



Ture or False - You can request leave dates from all supervisors via text message a week in advance. 

False. You need to fill out the time off request form for your program director and supervisors at least two weeks in advance to request leave dates. Furthermore, leave dates must be approved to be effective. 


Is it okay to have large rips in the knees of your jeans if it's part of the design? 

No. No ripped jeans at all


True or False It's okay to have a glass of wine or another drink with your family meal before coming into work if it's part of your culture. 

False you should refrain from the use of all substances before and during work. 

Should you start a romantic relationship with your assistant or supervisor when you start working together? 



Should you post a picture about an event happening at CFL on your personal social media? 

No. Please share any posts that you think should be on social media with supervisors and we will pass it along to Kathleen Lion - CFL's social media/PR manager. 


Is it okay to call supervisors if you are sick on the day of work?

Yes. If the supervisor does not answer when called, you can leave a voicemail. Once supervisors respond via phone or text, the leave date is considered effective. Make sure you reach out to Olney.  She will get back to via phone call or text 


Is it okay to wear a hat on a sunny day in the school building? 

No, unless you are outside.


Is it okay to arrive 5 minutes late (after the program starts)?

No. Of course, if you have a class that prohibits you from being on time, you will be excused if you contact us in writing.


Is it okay to question or make suggestions about how another group leader runs their group? 

Yes, however we would encourage that you do this respectfully and think about how you might want to be approached under a similar circumstance. 


Is it okay to make fun of someone on social media who is a co-worker? 

No please refrain from anything that could be seen as cyber bullying. 


If you called in sick on the same day and are unsure whether you can return to work the coming days, do you still need to stay in touch with the supervisors?

Yes. If you still feel unwell after the first day of illness, please call the program director and supervisors daily to provide updates.


True or False - Once you are done with work, it's fine to wear whatever you want, even if parents are still around. 

False. While we encourage you to change out of your CFL shirt before you leave the school, you should consider wearing appropriate clothes whenever you are on the school grounds especially if participants/parents are around. Consider logos, words on shirts, and how revealing your clothes are. 


Who should you tell when you are running late or can't come in and how should you tell them? 

Please call Olney as soon as you know you might need to miss work or be late. If for some reason you run into an emergency less than 2 hours before work, you should call Olney, Fran and your partner. It's very important that you reach out to all three because we have different schedules and on different days and one of us may be more available to read your message. 


Should you confide in a co-worker about a difficult or tricky work related situation? 

Yes, however please make sure to include supervisors in the discussion about the situation.


Is it okay to wear your staff shirt in a picture on social media. 

No. Please refrain from wearing your CFL shirt anywhere, but work. 


Ture or False - If you are sick and absent for three consecutive workdays, you only need to call your supervisor for leave.

You must submit a doctor's note on your first day back to work. The doctor's note is to confirm your ability to return to work and receive sick pay. Depending on the details of your illness, you may need to take a COVID test before you return. 


Is it okay to wear crocs to work? 

Yes, but they must be in sports mode.  Any sandals you wear must have a back strap.   (This answer will be counted as incorrect if you don't mention the back) 


Is it okay to complain to Olney if you don't like something that is happening in the program? 

Yes! Respectful feedback and ideas are welcome. Please be cautious about complaining to a coworker. It could be great to get feedback from a peer, but if you are only complaining without coming up with solutions or figuring out how to address an issue with a supervisor, it's unlikely the issue will get resolved. 


Is it okay to respectfully confront a supervisor if you think they are doing something that is threatening the safety of participants. 

Yes. The participants safety should always come first. We are all human and might make a mistake for a number of reasons. If you are worried about a decision ANYONE makes because of the safety of the participants you are welcome to question it. 

You are going to get tacos on your lunch break, is it okay to tag yourself at the restaurant? 

No. Sometimes conflicts come up with participants and parents. We would not want someone to confront you when you are on the clock without the resources of supervisors. 


If you are making a same-day emergency call out for other reasons (e.g., family emergency, school emergency, schedule change, other job change, etc.), what should you do? This is a three-part answer.  You must answer all three parts to get all points :) 

First, it's advisable to minimize absences caused by such situations. 

Second, in the event of a genuine emergency, please call the supervisors immediately to provide an explanation of the situation and inform them that you won't be able to report to work with at least a 2-hour notice.

Third,  sending a text message alone is not an appropriate means of notifying your absence.

Again please contact Olney as soon as possible 
