After this event God made a promise using a rainbow
The Flood
who is the mother of Jesus
How number of Jesus' disciples
Adam and Eve's first home
The Garden of Eden
What moses used in his hand that turned into a serpent
A rod / a staff
The journey of the Israelites from Eygpt into the promise land
The Exodus
I led Israel alongside Moses
In the Book of Exdous The number of commandments God give to Moses
side note after the 10 commandents it moved to 613
Where Jesus was born
What God used to destroy the earth in the days of Noah
This event convinced Pharoah to let the Israelites go
Tenth plague - death of the first born son
I am the disciple whom Jesus Loved
The judge of Israel who told riddles
Lot and his family were rescued from ________
Sodom and Gomarrah
What Peter found in the first fish that Jesus told him to pull up
a four-drachma coin, or large silver coin
Jesus feed with five loaves of bread and two fish?
Feeding the multitude or Feeding of 5000
I am the prophet who hid in a cave
How many days did Jesus fast in the wilderness.
Where the Apostle Paul died.
Jesus mix this with spit to heal the blind man.
Miriam sang a song to celebrate this event
Crossing of the red sea
We are the apostles called "Sons of Thunder" aka Boanerges
James & John
The number of spies who were sent into the land of Canaan
Where the 10 Commandments were given
Mount Sinai
A special gift that was given to Joseph from his father
A coat of many colors
After receiving the ten commandments Moses returned to see the Israelites had done this
Built a golden calf to worship
I am the sister of Moses
Name the first 5 books of the NEW testament.
Mattew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts
Where Jesus was Crucified
Gifts that was brought to Jesus at his birth
Gold, Incense, Myrrh
At Gibeon, Joshua prayed and this happened
The sun stood still (Joshua 10)
I was stoned to death because of my faith
This is the number of baskets used for the food leftover after Jesus' miracle of feeding the crowd
Twelve baskets
Where Jesus' sweat dropped like blood
Garden of Gesthemane or Mount of Olives
The Garden of Gethsemane is located at the foot of the Mount of Olives
What was used to try and kill Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo
Jesus' first public miracle
Turning water into wine
I said "Here I am send me"
The number of days Lazarus was in the tomb
on what body of water did Jesus walk
the Sea of Galilee
Elijah was taken up to heaven in this
Chariot of fire
A star appeared to mark this event
The birth of Jesus
I walked and learned from Elijah and then took his place
The number of fruits of the spirit
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance
Where is Rahab's home town
The animal God used to speak to Balam
King Darius was distressed after his law resulted in this
Daniel was thrown in the lion's den (Daniel 6)
I asked Jesus how many times are we to forgive our brother?
Name the first 10 Books of the bible
Genisis • Exodus • Leviticus • Numbers • Deuteronomy • Joshua • Judges •Ruth • 1 Samuel • 2 Samuel
It is where John the Beloved was exiled.
Island of Patmos
What Jesus said that he would destroy and rebuild in 3 days
The temple(referring to his body)