Warm Up
Resume/Cover Letter
Google Sites
Surprise Section

When do we do the warm up?

At the beginning of class


Who do you write your cover letter to?

The company that you are trying to get hired at


What type of photo goes on your home page? Where can you find one if you don't have one?

(100 points for each): Professional photo, can find on aeries/eKadence


Why is Mr. Lieu gone?

He is on paternity leave


How long do we do warm up for (assuming that you start RIGHT away...)?

Usually 10-15 minutes (anything within this range is fine)


At the end of your cover letter, you should make sure to...?

Any of the following: sign off with your signature, include your contact information


How do you add a page to Google Sites?

Click "Pages", then click "+"


When it is time to pack up, where should you be waiting until the bell rings?

Waiting by your seats (must actually do this to keep points...)


Why do we do typing.com?

So that we can learn to type faster (bonus 100 points if they mention how typing as a skill can be helpful in the future somehow)


Name 3 things that you should have in your resume

Can be 3 of the following: contact info, skills, experience, education, achievements


What are the 4 Google Sites Pages that you should have right now?

Home Page, Careers, Resume/Cover Letter, & Financial Literacy


List 3 important things to know about your future career (hint: think about the careers page).

3 of the following: Education requirement, salary, job description, name of the job, 

What does Ms. K always say to do when working on typing practice?

"Make sure that your hands are in the right positions and that your fingers are in the same place as shown on the screen" (anything close to this is fine)


What would a cover letter have that a resume does not? (besides writing it like a letter)

Any of the following: why you are interested in the job, talking about the specific job you are applying for, passion for the position, talking to the company specifically, etc.

In order for Ms. K to see your Google Site, what must you do?



Name one thing that you learned about Gmail in this class.

Any acceptable answer is fine...up to Ms. K's discretion


What do you get for completing IBM SkillsBuild? Why is this important?

You get a badge of certification that shows you completed the course. This is important for putting on your resume / showing that you have/are developing skills


What is the difference between a resume and a cover letter? (besides writing it like a letter)

A resume is a summary of your work history, education, and skills. A cover letter is a document that accompanies your resume and provides a more personalized introduction to the employer.


Why did we make the Google Sites?

The purpose of the Google Sites is to have a portfolio of all of the work that you have done this quarter so you can look back and remember the skills you learned


How do you take a screenshot? (walk through the entire process to get full points)

Method 1: Windows Key+Shift+S, click and drag, then Ctrl+V

Method 2: Snipping Tool, New, click and drag, save, upload image
