The Mexican pastor who started and leads the tarhumaran ministry we work with. Has been the president of the Mexican CMA
Pastor Thomas
Usually found with every meal of the day. Made from flour or corn.
The Spanish translation of "Jesus Christ"
Jesus Cristo
This large Mexican state shares its name with a small breed of dog.
This past member of Common Ground is now a member of the Mexican church we work with.
Emily Gullickson
Primary industry in the Rio Chico area that the mexican government owns the resource
Found with every meal. consists of vegetables roasted on the wood stove and thrown in a blender.
The Spanish translation of the 3rd person of the Trinity
EspĂritu Santo
How many times has Chris gone on this mission trip to Mexico
6 this year is 7th
Name of the tribe who resides in the copper canyon
Name of the town we will be staying in. Shares a name with the river that flows through it.
Rio Chico
This common animal protein was hugged by Chris and almost killed Evan (en espanol)
How many pesos to 1 USD
appx 20.50 Accept 20 to 21
Has been leading the american churches from the rocky mountain region for 20+ years on this mission.
Jim Stumbo
Name of the Canyon that the taruhumara are from.
Copper Canyon
This spicy ingredient coats popular Mexican candies like lollipops, making them both sweet and fiery.
Chili Powder
The Spanish word on red octagonal road signs
This Christian Symbol was built on a prominent peak above Rio Chio
The mexican man who lives across the river in rio chico. We visit almost nightly to grab a cookie or coke and work on our spanish and their english.
This dairy product is a trip favorite purchased in a ball and shared while traveling.
Common name in spanish for a food with varying types of fillings placed between two pieces of bread.
Es el acto de hablar con Dios
This Hebrew word for "house of God" is the name of the local C&MA church in Rio Chico
(Iglesia Cristiana Bethel = Bethel Christian Church)