Having your computer, planner, charger, and pencil on your desk is showing the Core Value of _______________.
How many CGMS classrooms are downstairs?
This 7th grade teacher has taught the longest amount of time at CGMS.
Ms. Kast
These are the two acceptable places for your cell phone at school.
In your locker
Given to your advisor/front office and secured in the cell phone locker.
Cell Phone
Cell Phone
Being an active, attentive listener is showing the Core Value of ______________.
What are the four elective/Creative Core classes?
PE, Comp Sci, Art, Music
This 7th grade teacher is half-Japanese.
Mr. Shuster
This is the day of the week that 7th grade has House Cup.
Attentiveness (is not a core value)
Asking questions to find out more information about a topic is showing the Core Value of ______________.
What charter school network is CGMS a part of?
This 7th grade teacher has a cat named Luna
Mrs. Weller
Name the bathrooms that are acceptable to use during transitions between classes (like, from Block 1 to Block 2).
None. You shouldn't use the bathroom during transitions.
Ms. Trainer
Ms. Micou
Ms. Rivera
Ms. Micou (the other two are school leadership)
Trying your best in class even if you don't like the subject is showing the Core Value of ___________.
Doing Your Best
5 (Ms. Kast, Mr. Pearson, Mr. Haydel, Mr. Shuster, Mr. Chavez-Laux)
This parent and 7th grade teacher is a Pittsburgh Steelers fan.
Mr. Gale
Add the number of bathroom passes you get per day to the number of classes you have per day (including advisory)
7 (2 bathroom passes + advisory + 4 blocks)
Ms. Martha
Ms. G(roussman)
Ms. Leslie
Ms. G (doesn't work in the office)
Not playing video games during class and also not lying about it is showing the Core Value of ________________.
What year was the building built?
This 7th grade teacher is the commissioner of our school fantasy football league.
Mr. Haydel
These three activities are things we will do on Wednesdays in advisory.
Grade-level MM
Social-emotional lesson
Connection Circle
Mr. Haydel
Mr. Pearson
Mr. Dave
Mr. Shuster
Mr. Pearson (teaches third block)