when the alveoli lose their elasticity
Brain syndrome, a loss of mental ability characterized by a decrease in intellectual ability, loss of memory, personality change, and disorientation.
where the normally transparent lens of the eye becomes cloudy or opaque
Myth or fact? Elderly people are incompetent and incapable of making decisions or handling their own affairs.
Myth. Why? Even though some elderly people may experience confusion, the majority of the elderly remain mentally competent until they die.
values, beliefs, ideas, customs, and characteristics that are passed down one generation
a condition in which calcium and other minerals are lost from the bones, which causes the bones to fracture or break.
a condition in which the intraocular pressure of the eye increases and interferes with vision.
Reality orientation
activities that can help promote the awareness of person, time, and place
Myth or fact? Less than 12% of adults older than 65 live at the poverty level.
Fact from statistics provided by the U.S government.
any condition that interferes with the normal functions of the body
inflammation of the joints
inability to control urination
Senile lentigines
The dark brown or dark yellow spots when skin becomes dry, less elastic and fragile due to physical or structural changes.
Myth or fact? Only about 5% of the elderly population lives in long term care facilities.
Fact, most elderly individuals live in their own homes.
any condition that interferes with the normal functions of the body
when the walls of the blood vessels thick and lose the elasticity
Delirium (acute dementia)
a mental state in which a person is confused temporarily, disoriented, and not able to think or remember clearly
difficulty swallowing
Myth or fact? Being old means being disabled or sick.
Myth. Due to healthier lifestyles, better nutrition, regular exercise, and many other things, most elderly are in general good health.
false beliefs
Alzheimer’s disease
a form of dementia that causes progressive changes in brain cells
Cerebrovascular accident
a loss of blood flow to part of the brain, which damages brain tissue, a stroke
self governance or the ability to decide for oneself my making choices and pursuing a course of action
Myth or fact? Most elderly individuals live with someone or associate with friends or family.
Fact, according to studies.
a specially trained individual who works with the elderly and their families