self-governance or the ability to decide for oneself by
making choices and pursuing a course of action
Alzheimer's Disease (AD)
form of dementia that cauess progressive changes in brain
when confusion or disorientation is a temporary condition
caused by a treatable condition
Reality Orientation (RO)
activities that help promote awareness of person, time, and
Myth: Anyone over a certain age is old
Fact: old is determined by how an individual thinks, feels, and behaves
the values, beliefs, ideas, costumes, and characteristics
that are passed from one generation to the next
a condition in which the walls of blood vessels become
thick and lose their elasticity
difficulty swallowing
a specially trained individual who works with the elderly
and their families, health care providers, and other
concerned individuals to improve quality of care and quality
of life
Myth: Elderly people are incompetent and incapable of making decisions or handling their own affairs
Fact: Majority of elderly individuals remain mentally competent until they die, and often make better decisions and have better judgement.
a physical or mental defect or handicap that interfers with
normal functions
a hardening of your arteries from plaque building up
gradually inside them
inability to control urination
care practices for dryness and itchiness
mild soaps, bath oils, moisturizing lotions, partial baths/less frequent baths, brushing of hair, shampooing less frequently
Myth: All elderly people live in poverty.
Fact: Less than 12% of adults 65+ live at the poverty level. Despite having limited incomes, they also have low expenses.
any condition that interferes with the normal function of the
when normally transparent lens of the eye becomes
Senile Lentigines
dark yellow or brown colored spots
care practices for arthritis and/or osteoporosis
a diet rich in protein, calcium, and vitamins; medication; Vitamin D
Myth: Most elderly individuals are cared for in institutions or long-term care facilities
Fact: Only ~5% of elderly live in LCF, with most living in their own homes/apartments, or with family members.
scientific study of aging and the problems of the old
brain syndrome, loss of mental ability characterized by a
decrease in intellectual ability, loss of memory, impaired
judgment, personality change, and disorientation.
urination at night
care practices for breathing difficulty
alternate activities with periods of rest, proper body alignment, avoiding polluted air, portable oxygen units
Myth: Older people are unhappy and lonely
Fact: Most elderly individuals live with someone and/or interact with friends ro family, are active in civic groups, or provide care for grandchildren/extended families.