founder of the Structuralism perspective
Who is Wilhelm Wundt
Focus on ONE individual to gain insight
What is a Clinical or Case Study
focuses on understanding the structure and characteristics of the mind through introspection
What is Structuralism
Focuses on diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and problematic patterns of behavior
ex.) counseling
What is Clinical psychology
The participants who experience the manipulated variable
What is the Experimental group
Founder of Functionalism perspective & first American Psychologist
Who is William James
Observing behavior in a natural setting
What is Naturalistic Observation
How broken down parts relate to each other as a whole
What is Gestalt Psychology
Focuses on behaviors and thought patterns that are unique to each individual
ex) thinking and traits
What is Personality Psychology
peoples expectations or beliefs influencing or determining their experience in a given situation
What is the Placebo Effect?
Founder of Psychoanalytic Theory
Who is Sigmund Freud
Uses past records or data sets to answer questions or look for patterns or relationships
What is Archival Research
emphasizes how mental activities contribute to basic environmental survival
What is Functionalism
Studies the physical and mental attributes of aging and maturation
ex) moral reasoning, cognitive skills, social skills, milestones
What is Developmental Psychology
Experiment in which the researcher knows which participants are in the experimental group and which are in the control group but the participants DO NOT
What is a Single-blind Study?
Founders of Gestalt Psychology
(German psychologists)
Who are Wertheimer, Koffka & Kohler
A)Compares different segments of a population at the same time
ex) different age groups
B) Studies same group over a period of time
What is Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Research
Founded by John B Watson. Focuses on observable behavior and how to control it (includes classical and operant conditioning)
What is Behaviorism
They study how the structure and function of the nervous system generate behavior
ex) sleep, neurodevelopment, drug use and abuse
What is Biopsychology
Variable that the researcher measures to see how much effect the other variable had on it
What is the Dependent variable?
Founders of Humanism
Who are Abraham Maslow & Carl Rodgers
Looks at the relationship of two or more variables
What is Correlational research
the study of the unconscious mind
What is Psychanalytic Theory
Focuses on bot physiological aspects of the sensory systems and the psychological experience of sensory information
ex) sights, sounds, attention, experience
What is Sensation and Perception
consistency and reproducibility of a given result
What is Reliability?