The War of the Pacific
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The Suez Canal
More on the Suez Canal

These mountains run right down the middle of Peru. TQ

What are the Andes?


The war between Peru, Bolivia, and Chile was known as this. TQ

What is the War of the Pacific? 


Hong Xiuquan's followers were known as this. ch. 4

Who were Tapings?


Europe and Egypt celebrated when this canal was completed in 1869. TQ

What is the Suez (Canal)? 


Ismail Pasha was given this title, which means "king" or "sovereign ruler". TQ

What is khedive?


Admiral Miguel Grau was the commander of this Peruvian iron warship. TQ

What is the Huascar?


Bolivia signed a treaty with this country. 

What is Peru? 

This Canadian railroad engineer suggested the world be divided into twenty-four time zones. ch. 8

Who is Sir Sandford Fleming?


When Muhammad Ali seized the throne, Egypt was part of this empire. TQ

What is the Ottoman (Empire)? 


In the Middle Ages, Egypt was a part of this empire.

What is Islamic? 


Bolivian miners wanted Chile to do this. 

What is pay taxes on what they found in the Atacama desert?


This is why Chile wanted control of Antofagasta. 

Why is Antofagasta is a port city and it wanted access to the water?

This is what President Lincoln's assassination showed the country. ch. 5

What is how much hatred was still in the country after the civil war had ended? 


The Suez canal connected these two bodies of water. 

What are the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea?


This is how Egypt responded when they were under British control. 

What is the Egyptian army grew more and more unhappy with the British control, some army officers tried to lead a rebellion, but the British marched into Egypt and captured Cairo, Egypt's capital city?


This happened to Peru after the peace treaty was signed. 

What is a Civil war went on for seven years? (and they lost the southern part of their coastline)


This is what happened to Bolivia's coastline after the war with Chile. TQ

What is they had to give up their entire coastline and became "landlocked"? 


This is why the Ottoman Empire was known as the "sick man of Europe". Ch. 9 (give three reasons)

Why is because for many years, the Ottoman Turks were growing weaker and poorer? The sultans spent so much money that they had to borrow money from oter countries to pay the soldiers in the Turkish army. Also, the people were starting to ignore the sultan. 


This is how Muhammad Ali tried to make Egypt more like the countries of Europe. TQ

What is by bringing university professors from Europe to Egypt and to teach Egyptian students about the west?


This is how Khedive Ismail celebrated the opening of the Suez Canal. (name 3 things)

What are fireworks, feasts, blessings from Christian priests and muslim leaders, leaders from all over the world came, warships flying the flags of all nations?


Describe the Atacama Desert and why it is so important to both Bolivia and Chile. TQ

What is the Atacama desert lies in a "rain shadow" so it is the driest place in the world? The ground is made of salt, sand and hardened lava, and both countries want control of it because there are minerals that lie in it, and they can make money from the material found in the land. 


This is why Peru helped Bolivia int eh war against Chile. TQ

Why is because the two countries had signed a treaty six years earlier promising to be each others allies, especially against Chile?

This is why Friedrich was disturbed by Prussia's overwhelming influence on the German states. ch. 7 (give two reasons)

Why is he felt that Bismark had made Prussia great and powerful by making them conquerors and destroyers? He thought the rest of the world did not love or respect the Prussians, but only fears them. He thought that Bismark had robbed the Prussians of their friends, the sympathies of the world, and their conscience. 


This is why the countries of Europe were so interested in the new canal in Egypt. TQ

Why is they were could use it to travel to the Far East to trade? It would shorten the trip from Europe to the east by 6,000 miles. 

This is what Ismail Pasah did that hurt his country. TQ

What is he spent too much money on his projects and had to start borrowing money from France and Great Britain? 
