A positive Murphy sign is a clinical finding associated with what?
What is the folding of the fundus known as?
The Phrygian cap
What three parts is the gallbladder divided into?
Neck, body, and fundus
What disease is associated with the "WES" sign?
What is gravity dependent, low to medium level echoes, and non-shadowing?
What is the name of the small outpouch that can sometimes be seen in patients?
Hartmann's pouch
What can the normal common bile duct measure up to?
6 mm
What disease creates the sonographic sign known as the "strawberry gallbladder"?
What disease is associated with the "halo" sign?
Acute cholecystitis
Which anomaly involves dividing the gallbladder into separate parts?
Partial septation
Where are the valves of Heister found?
The cystic duct
What is the fusiform dilation of the common bile duct known as?
Choledochal cyst
What disease has a clinical presentation of elevated AST and ALT levels and epigastric pain?
Chronic cholecystitis
If no gallbladder is visualized what should be imaged?
the gallbladder fossa
A normal gallbladder wall should measure how much?
less than 3 mm
Which gallbladder disease shows an abnormally thick gallbladder wall and multiple echogenic foci with "comet tail"?
Which disease is a rare, congenital condition that is the dilation of the intrahepatic bile ducts, that appear as cysts sonographically?
Caroli disease
What is a double gallbladder also known as?
Complete septation
What hormone triggers the sphincter of Oddi to relax?
Cholecystokinin (CCK)
What is known as the calcification of the gallbladder and is more prevalent in women?
Porcelain gallbladder