What are the 3 types of biodiversity? Define each.
(1) species - The number and variety of different species in a given area (2) genetic - genetic variation within populations or (3) ecosystem biodiversity: variation across ecosystems/ variety of habitats within an ecosystem.
What are 3 characteristics that make a species vulnerable to extinction?
1) Migrate 2) Need large or special habitats 3) are exploited by humans (commercially valuable) 4) K-specialists (low reproductive rate) 5) feed at high trophic level
What is the goal of the Biodiversity Treaty?
To preserve biodiversity and ensure the sustainable and fair use of genetic resources in ALL countries.
what is an endangered species?
species at risk of extinction throughout all or most of its range, and thus protected by regulations.
List the three types of efforts to save individual species.
1) Captive-breeding programs, 2) preserving genetic material, 3) Nature facilities such as zoos, aquariums, parks, and gardens.
What is a biodiversity hotspot?
An area with high numbers of endemic species but also highly threatened by human activities.
What is the difference between species richness and species evenness?
Richness is the number of different species. Evenness is the relative abundance of each species.
Give one example each of a provisional, regulating, and cultural ecosystem service
Possible answers: provisional: medicine, food, lumber; reg: flood control; water purification; cultural: recreation & tourism; aesthetics
What is HIPPCO?
An acronym for the most important ways man is contributing to species extinction - Habitat destruction; Invasive species; Pollution; Population; Climate Change and Over-exploitation
EXTRA QUESTION - Give an example of each (2 per team WHEN ASKED)
What is the strategy for preserving species diversity in the Yukon to Yellowstone Wildlife corridor?
Create links between large preserves to create a single contiguous region (biosphere preserve) for free movement and protection of animals
What is a mass extinction (define extinction, too)?
When a large amount of all species become extinct over a relatively short period of time
What might happen within an ecosystem when a keystone species is driven to extinction?
The balance of populations of other organisms might be upset, thus affecting the entire ecosystem.
Name three areas of critical biodiversity.
Tropical rain forests, coral reefs and coastal ecosystems, and islands
What was the first effective effort of the CITES Treaty?
to stop the slaughter of African elephants being killed by poachers for their ivory tusks.
What is the main cause of the 5 mass extinctions in geologic history? What is the main cause of the current "6th mass extinction"?
Climate Change; Humans
What is the difference between "in-situ" and "ex-situ" methods to preserve species?
In-situ: Conservation in the natural habitat. EX: Costa Rica's large nature preserves . vs Ex-situ - the species is separated from their habitat (e.g. zoos)
Which type of threat is having the greatest impact on biodiversity?
Habitat loss
What will emphasizing the preservation of entire ecosystems do?
Help save many more species and will maintain ecosystem functions.