This is the stem vowel for a 4th conjugation verb.
This word means Friendship.
What is amicitia, amicitiae?
Audiō, audīre in 1st person, plural, present tense form.
What is audīmus?
These were the three attacks made against the 6th king, Servius Tullius, by his son-in-law Tarquin the Proud during his assassination.
What were being thrown down the stairs, then stabbed, then run over by horses and a chariot?
These are the imperfect tense markers for 3rd and 4th conjugations.
What is -eba-?
This is the English meaning of beatus, a, um.
What is happy or blessed?
Capiō, capere in 3rd person, plural, present tense.
What is capiunt?
King Tarquin the Proud was able to avoid punishment for killing Servius Tullius by doing this, one of his earliest acts as king.
What was killing Servius' supporters in the senate?
These are the future tense markers for 4th and 3rd -iō verbs.
What are -ā and -ē (long a and long e)?
This is the English meaning of via.
What is road, path, way, or street?
Inveniō, invenīre in 2nd person, singular, imperfect tense form.
What is inveniēbas?
These two men rallied the people of Rome to exile Tarquin the Proud, becoming the first consuls of Rome in the process.
Who were Collatinus and Brutus?
This is how you identify a 3rd conjugation -iō verb.
This is the English meaning of quoniam.
What is since?
Fugiō, fugere in 1st person, singular, future tense form.
What is fugiam?
This voting assembly was organized into voting groups based off of where you lived.
What was the Tribal assembly?
This is how you form the stem for a 3rd -io verb.
What is by taking the -ō ending off of the first principal part?
This is the Latin word that means to come upon, or to find.
What is invenio, invenire, inventi, inventum?
Capiō, capere in the imperative, singular form.
What is cape?
King Servius Tullius held one of these in order to divide all citizens into one of 100 voting blocs based off of their family size, wealth, and owned lands; it unfortunately turned the nobility against him as they came to hate that everyone knew how wealthy they were.
What was a census?