This president vetoed the recharter of the Second National Bank, citing its potential dangers to liberties and its favoritism towards the wealthy.
Who is Andrew Jackson
This president expanded the authority of the executive branch by declaring himself "the direct representative of the American people.
Who is Andrew Jackson
The Whig Party arose in 1834 in opposition to this president’s “kinglike” conduct and policies.
Who is Andrew Jackson?
This popular monthly periodical taught women how to make their homes examples of middle-class efficiency and domesticity.
What is Godey’s Lady’s Book?
This founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claimed to have translated The Book of Mormon from gold plates shown to him by an angel.
Who is Joseph Smith Jr.?
The Second National Bank was created under a charter that granted 20% ownership to this entity.
What is the federal government
Andrew Jackson upheld national authority during this crisis by threatening military force, laying the groundwork for Lincoln's later defense of the Union.
What is the Nullification Crisis?
The Whigs celebrated these individuals as the driving force behind the nation’s progress, emphasizing talent over birthright.
Who are self-made men or entrepreneurs
She led the national movement to establish state asylums for the mentally ill and persuaded Massachusetts lawmakers to expand facilities for indigent mental patients.
Who is Dorothea Dix?
The Book of Mormon explains the presence of these peoples in the Americas, integrating them into the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Who are Native Americans?
Jackson's veto message claimed that Congress had no constitutional authority to charter a national bank and condemned it for benefiting these social classes over farmers and laborers.
Who are the wealthy and privileged elites
Jackson appointed this chief justice in 1835, who supported states' rights and limited the nationalist decisions of the Marshall Court.
Who is Roger B. Taney?
This 19th-century political ideology embraced by the Whigs supported government intervention in building infrastructure like roads, canals, and bridges.
What is Henry Clay’s American System?
This society, founded in 1834, sought to curb prostitution, protect single women, and demand chaste behavior from men, rejecting the sexual double standard.
What is the Female Moral Reform Society?
Joseph Smith and the Mormon Experience
After being expelled from Missouri, Joseph Smith and his followers settled in this Illinois town, which grew to house 30,000 residents by the early 1840s.
What is Nauvoo?
In 1833, Jackson appointed Roger B. Taney as head of the Treasury Department, who transferred federal gold and silver into these institutions, nicknamed by critics.
What are the "pet banks"
This landmark 1837 case, decided during Jackson's era, ruled that public charters did not automatically grant monopolies, promoting general welfare over vested property rights.
What is Charles River Bridge Co. v. Warren Bridge Co.?
This court case in 1837 highlighted John C. Calhoun's concern with the class conflict between labor and capital, which many northern Whigs rejected.
What is the wage-labor system conflict or “class conflict”?
This educator argued that women were better qualified than men to impart moral and intellectual instruction to children, leading to the recruitment of women as teachers.
Who is Catharine Beecher?
This controversial practice of "plural celestial marriage," justified by Joseph Smith’s revelations, caused turmoil within the Mormon community and enraged nearby Christians.
What is polygamy?
The Senate passed a resolution in 1834, composed by Henry Clay, censuring Jackson for executive tyranny during the bank war. This resolution was part of what Clay referred to as this type of revolution.
What is a "bloodless revolution"?
Inspired by Jackson’s ideals, states revised their constitutions to expand voting rights, embody laissez-faire principles, and restrict government support for private corporations. This movement was known by this general name.
What is the Jacksonian Democracy?
This short-lived party that opposed the Order of Freemasonry eventually merged with the Whigs due to shared values like temperance and equality of opportunity.
What is the Anti-Masonic Party?
This reformer’s advocacy for increased elementary schooling and improved instruction quality led to a movement that transformed public education across the United States.
Who is Horace Mann?
After Joseph Smith’s death, this leader guided the Mormons to the Great Salt Lake Valley in present-day Utah, where they established a thriving community.
Who is Brigham Young?