religious symb
religious terminology
IN the Dura painting, Samuel Anointing David, David is depicted with an Imperial attribute indicating his royalty. Which is the attribute? A-purple toga B-laurel-leaf crown C-armor of Hadrian
What is A-purple toga
In the catacombs, the cubicula served as the _________. A- embalming chambers B-reception halls C-mortuary chapel
What is C-mortuary chapel
The Torah is the sacred book of the_____________. A-Christians B-Jews C- Pagans
What is B-Jews
Why was the Christian community house in Dura-Europa only a small house? A-No churches were constructed in Dura-Europas B-No large dwellings were constructed in Dura-Europas C-Christians did not enjoy the patronage of the Roman state
What is C-Christians did not enjoy the patronage of the Roman state
The synagogue at Dura -Europas has an extensive cycle of ______________. A- wall murals B- marble reliefs C- icons
What is A- wall murals
Christ as the Good Shepherd can be traced back to _______________. A- Old Kingdom Egypt B-Sasanisan Art C- Early Empire Roman Art
What is C- Early Empire Roman Art
What was carved to create loculi in the catacombs? A-tufa B-wood C-marble
What is A-tufa
The lone figure of Mary holding the body of her dead son across her lap, is a repeat theme in Christian art, and is called the_________ A- Lamentation B-Pieta C- Passion
What is B-Pieta
In accordance with Roman custom, Christians had to be buried: A- in raised tombs B- outside the city walls C-in the Imperial Forum
What is B- outside the city walls
Old St Peter's was constructed where Peter was ________ A-martyred B-born C-buried
What is C-buried
Christ as the Good Shepherd appears in Galla Placidia and uses many iconographic devices. Which is one of the following devices? A- goats represent sinners B- sheep represent the Faithful C- a basin of water
What is B- sheep represent the Faithful
The catacombs were extensive burial tunnels and housed up to ________bodies A- 80 B-300 c-4million
What is c-4million
Which of the following is a minor art? A- church sculpture B- ivory carvings C- architechture
What is B- ivory carvings
Diocletian ordered a fresh round of ______ in 303-305 CE because of his concern about the popularity with Christianity. A-Rituals B-Tributes C- Persecutions
What is C- Persecutions
What is the entrance of Old St Peter's called? A-nave B-atrium C-narthex
What is C-narthex
The color __________was associated with the Roman Emperor A-green B-red C-purple
What is C-purple
In the catacombs, loculi were often arranged_________ A- one body high B- three bodies high C- as much as 5 bodies high
What is C- as much as 5 bodies high
A nimbus is another word for a _____________ A-pope B-scroll C-halo
What is C-halo
_____________ was the first patron of Christian architecture. A- Julius Caesar B- Constantine C-St Augustine
What is B- Constantine
which of the following architectural elements were found in Santa Sabina? A- domed interior B-timbered ceiling C-groin vault
What is B-timbered ceiling
How did one recognize a Christian sarcophagus? A- The name of the owner was always carved on the center panel B- Only Christians were buried in sarcophagi C- It was decorated with significant Christian subject matter
What is C- It was decorated with significant Christian subject matter
People belonging to the _____________ religion were mostly buried in the catacombs A- Christian B-Jewish C-Pagan
What is A- Christian
Orants are________ A- false prophets B-praying figures C- metaphors for Christ
What is B-praying figures
The Rossano Gospels is the earliest illuminated manuscript that contains illustrations of which of the following? A- lives of the martyrs B-New Testament C-coronation of St Paul
What is B-New Testament