a foreign object that is invading the body
What is the specific line of defense in the immune system?
Specific defense uses the lymphocytes which are a type of white blood cell - kills very specific things
What is the nonspecific response of the immune system?
will attack and kill anything
◦. A memory cell is a lymphocyte that is activated if an antigen causes another infection
what comes first, the nonspecific or the specific immune response?
Name the four DNA base pairs
what is a DNA polymerase?
starts DNA replication
What is a B lymphocyte?
B lymphocytes mainly defend against bacteria and viruses found in body fluids outside of cells. Produce antibodies in response to antigens found in body fluids outside of cells.
what is a RNA polymerase?
helps make messenger RNA
What is a nitrogenous base
◦The nitrogenous base is made of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen. It attaches to the sugar nucleotide
What is a DNA ligase?
opens up DNA strands
The template strand is DNA that is used to make more strands of DNA.
What does immunity mean?
◦Immunity happens when antigens cannot cause sickness because lymphocytes remember the antigen and destroy it
Taking genetic information from one organism and placing into the genetic information of another organism
What is a virus?
◦Viruses are not living and do not produce their own energy. Do not have organelles and do not reproduce by themselves
What is complementary base pairing?
When two base pairs always pair together, they want to pair together
What is my favorite virus
What is a T lymphocyte?
◦T lymphocytes directly attack host cells (infected body cells) that contain bacteria or viruses
the thing that links transcription and translation. The starting point for making a protein
? Why do we get a fever when our body is fighting an infection?
to kill unwanted bacteria
what is a nucleotide made up of?
◦: one sugar molecule (DNA has the sugar Deoxyribose whereas RNA has ribose), 5 carbon atoms, and oxygen and/or hydrogen parts. They also have a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base as well.
◦Codons are sets of three bases in mRNA (A,T,C,G).