provide the most concentrated form of energy but are a hugger calorie option source of energy than carbohydrates
excessive body weight 20 percent or more above the average recommended weight
soft diet
similar to the regular diet, but foods must require little chewing and be easy to digest
organic compounds that are essential to life
the fibrous, indigestible form of plant carbohydrate
Liquid diets
Include both clear liquids and full liquids
peristalsis protein diets
include both low-protein and high-protein diets
diabetic diet
used for patients with diabetes mellitus
essential nutrients
composed of chemical elements found in food
the process in which blood or lymph capillaries pick up the digested nutrients
the state of poor nutrition; may be caused by poor diet or illness
bland diet
consists of easily digested foods that not irritate the digestive tract
body mass index
a calculation that measures weight in relation to height
a major source of readily usable human energy
the heat produced during metabolism is the way the energy content of food is measured
inorganic elements found in all body tissues
a psychological disorder in which a person alternately binges and then fasts, or refuses to eat at all; in some cases, a person will excessive excessively after binging
a psychological disorder in which a person alternatively binges and then induces vomiting or uses laxatives to get rid of food that has been eaten
low-cholesterol diet
restricts foods that contain cholesterol and usually limits fats to less than 5p grams daily
sodium-restricted diets
also called low-sodium or low-salt diets, patients use low-sodium-diet lists that provide amount of sodium present in a specific food
all body processes relating to food
a sterol lipid found in body cells and animal products
the process by which the body breaks down food into small parts, changes the food chemically and moves the food through the digestive system
condition in which bones become porous and break easily; one cause is long-term deficiencies of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D
a state of good health with optimal body function