Problems in the Republic
Roman Politics and the Army
The Rise of Julius Caesar
Caesar Takes Power and from republic to empire
Antony and Cleopatra + Octavian

What was one major economic problem in the Roman Republic?

The gap between the rich and poor grew wider, and many farmers fell into debt.


What change did General Marius make to the Roman army?

He allowed landless Romans to join the army and paid them wages.


What three men made up the First Triumvirate?

Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar.


What major change did Caesar make to the Roman dictatorship?

He declared himself dictator for life instead of serving short terms.


Who was Cleopatra?

The queen of Egypt and ally of Mark Antony.


Why did many small Roman farmers struggle after wars?

Their farms were neglected while they fought or destroyed by enemies, leaving them unable to pay back loans.


Why did Marius’ changes to the military weaken the Roman Republic?

Soldiers became more loyal to their generals than to the government.


What does the word triumvirate mean?

A political group of three people who share power.


Who formed the Second Triumvirate?

Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus.


Why did Octavian not officially call himself a dictator?

He wanted Romans to believe he was restoring the republic, even though he held all the power.


What were latifundia, and why did they hurt small farmers?

Latifundia were large farming estates owned by wealthy Romans that used enslaved labor, making it hard for small farmers to compete.


Who was Sulla, and what did he do in 82 B.C.?

He was a general who led his army into Rome and made himself dictator.


What did Julius Caesar do while governing Gaul?

He led military campaigns, fought the Celts, and invaded Britain.


How did Octavian and Mark Antony become enemies?

Antony allied with Cleopatra, and Octavian accused them of plotting against Rome.


Why did Octavian declare war on Antony and Cleopatra?

He accused them of trying to take over Rome.


How did Roman leaders try to prevent poor people from rebelling?

They provided cheap food and entertainment, a policy known as "bread and circuses."


What happened after Sulla stepped down as dictator?

Rome entered 50 years of civil war and instability.


Why did the Roman Senate see Julius Caesar as a threat?

 He was popular with the people and could use his power to take control of Rome.


Why did some Romans oppose Caesar?

They feared he wanted to become a king and take away their freedoms.


What did Octavian do after defeating Antony and Cleopatra?

He became the sole ruler of Rome and ended the civil wars.


Who were the Gracchus brothers, and what did they try to do?

Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were reformers who wanted to take land from the wealthy and give it back to small farmers.


Why was Sulla’s rise to power important in Roman history?

He showed that military force could be used to take control of the government, setting a dangerous precedent.


What important decision did Caesar make in 49 B.C. when ordered to return to Rome?

He refused to give up his army and instead crossed the Rubicon River, starting a civil war.


What happened to Julius Caesar on the Ides of March?

He was assassinated by a group of senators, including Brutus and Cassius.


How did Octavian’s leadership officially mark the end of the Roman Republic?

He centralized power under himself, becoming the first emperor of Rome.
